My mom works at a vet and they want to give her a tiny baby persian cat should she?

we already have a dog at home like twice the cat's size but my dog is ok with other animals should we get it?

    My mom works at a vet and they want to give her a tiny baby persian cat should she?

    we already have a dog at home like twice the cat's size but my dog is ok with other animals should we get it?...
    General Dog Discussions : My mom works at a vet and they want to give her a tiny baby persian cat should she?...

    • My mom works at a vet and they want to give her a tiny baby persian cat should she?

      My mom works at a vet and they want to give her a tiny baby persian cat should she? General Dog Discussions
      we already have a dog at home like twice the cat's size but my dog is ok with other animals should we get it?

      My mom works at a vet and they want to give her a tiny baby persian cat should she?

      My mom works at a vet and they want to give her a tiny baby persian cat should she? General Dog Discussions
    • of course, i don't see the harm in it! =] dogs and cats can get along very well as long as they are introduced kinda slowly, its actually better that its a kitten, sometimes when they are kittens, they kinda latch onto the dog for support (not literally latching on haha) or maybe because the dog makes them feel more comfortable and safe. my kittens used to curl up next to my dog and sleep with him LOL kitten sounds adorable! good luck! =]

    • It doen't really matter the dogs size, any dog will probably be bigger than a kitten. Oh what a joy it is to be able to bring anew kitten into your household!~Cats and dogs aren't really as fearful of each other as most people think, and if brought up in the same household, usually the cat will most likely learn a lot from the dog. I had a lab-cocker mix which fell in love with my kittens and after they got used to each other they were best buddies. They would chase each other and play with each other and of course nuzzle down with each other. It made our house complete, because of my love for both dogs and cats. Most dogs realize that a small kitten isn't to be abused and they will tend to feel a parenting bond there. We're all animals so it's just like family and friends bonding. Just make sure you don't forget to pay just as much attention to the dog when you bring your tiny kitten home. Some people make huge mistakes and will tend to throw the home out of balance if they play favorites. If you'll take a towel or something to wipe off the dogs scent first and then rub it on the kitten, the baby kit will learn the scent much faster and will except the dogs smell. Kittens have very good scent, so do dogs, but cats need that time period to allow the bonding to occur naturally. Then you can put the smell of the kitty on your dog. The introduction period with any animals is a must if you want them to get along and become close. Even a kitten will know the scent difference, so she may need some time in another room with distance, at first to be given the time to adjust to the new home, her new surroundings and to her new humans. The dogs scent will already be surrounding her, so this she will come to get used to in a short period of time. Make sure they are fed apart, possibly in seperate rooms and she has a private area for her bedding and bathroom. Play with the dog as usual and let her watch. She will soon want to become involved with the family at playtime. Oh, you have such a sweet surprise given the chance to own a kitten (or should I say, she will own you!~LOL). Cats are different from dogs as they do like their privacy and need places they can hide, high areas, and can be alone. Dogs are more a pack type animal, whereas cats like their solitary times. Just treat them as individuals and you will be fine. Cuddling and love and kindness will bring your entire family together. Your dog sounds like a nice pooch and should accept your new baby within a few weeks, using the correct introduction period. Happy kittening!~