Is it normal for cats to act strangely after giving them a dose of vectra?

My vet has switched to a new flea treatment called Vectra. Has anyone else tried it yet? It was frontline that my cat was used to and it seemed to work well for him. I never noticed any peculiar behavior from him after putting those drops on him, he…

    Is it normal for cats to act strangely after giving them a dose of vectra?

    My vet has switched to a new flea treatment called Vectra. Has anyone else tried it yet? It was frontline that my cat was used to and it seemed to work well for him. I never noticed any peculiar behavior from him after putting those drops on him, he…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is it normal for cats to act strangely after giving them a dose of vectra?...

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    • Is it normal for cats to act strangely after giving them a dose of vectra?

      Is it normal for cats to act strangely after giving them a dose of vectra? General Dog Discussions
      My vet has switched to a new flea treatment called Vectra. Has anyone else tried it yet? It was frontline that my cat was used to and it seemed to work well for him. I never noticed any peculiar behavior from him after putting those drops on him, he held a grudge for a lil bit but thats expected lol.

      Is it normal for cats to act strangely after giving them a dose of vectra?

      Is it normal for cats to act strangely after giving them a dose of vectra? General Dog Discussions
    • I am always leery about switching pet products - I can understand your anxiety!The third post here says they may be owned by HARTZ which is a terrible sign right away. Hartz has had many lawsuits brought against them for lethal side effects to their OTC treatments. Last answer on this forum: post:, I will just re-post what I read at this site because it's farther down on the page - I'd read the whole thread though."One of the active ingredients in Vectra is dinotefuran, which is an insecticide that has long been used to spray vegetables to control bug infestations. EPA puts out material safety and data sheets, including toxicities etc if anyone wants more info: It's interesting that one of the toxicities listed is "skin irritation."Also, each dose also contains permethrin/pyrethrin, which is another pesticide that is EXTREMELY TOXIC TO CATS, so if you have any cats at home, and dog has contact with cats, don't use the product."Unfortuantely, all dog sites, but I've had so much luck with Advantage I would hate to switch. Perhaps it's time to start buying online?