Could this be causing my dog to have seizures?

My dog is older (12) and has fatty lumps growing on his body. The vet said this is normal for his breed and age. There is one growing right above his spinal cord. Could this cause seizures? He had one this morning (first one we know of) and this lump…

    Could this be causing my dog to have seizures?

    My dog is older (12) and has fatty lumps growing on his body. The vet said this is normal for his breed and age. There is one growing right above his spinal cord. Could this cause seizures? He had one this morning (first one we know of) and this lump…...
    General Dog Discussions : Could this be causing my dog to have seizures?...

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    • Could this be causing my dog to have seizures?

      Could this be causing my dog to have seizures? General Dog Discussions
      My dog is older (12) and has fatty lumps growing on his body. The vet said this is normal for his breed and age. There is one growing right above his spinal cord. Could this cause seizures? He had one this morning (first one we know of) and this lump just appeared within the last week. Could this be pushing on his spinal cord and cause seizures?

      Could this be causing my dog to have seizures?

      Could this be causing my dog to have seizures? General Dog Discussions
    • No. Seizures are neurological, occur in the brain. You really need to get your dog checked out by the vet - he could have epilepsy, or it could be idiopathic. But there's meds the vet can give him. You can't allow seizures to go untreated because they can cause brain damage.

    • Not likely..pressure on the spinal columb would cause weakeness.. not seizures.Hate to say it but it is possible he has a tumor somewhere inside you cannot see causing the seizures.. It is also possible your dog has Epilepsy or yes may never have another seizure too..Worth a check over and senior bloodwork at the vet for sure..Amanda

    • Only a Veterinarian would know for sure but we had a little dog for 12 years & she was the runt of the litter & after about 4 years, she had her first seizure & from thence a few times a year until her death. During this time, my son was in Vet school & inquired & his teachers said it was probably brain damage from birth. Seizures are usually related to the brain which is connected to the spinal cord. I'd ask because one may kill him. If he's important to you, go to your Vet or call the office and ask since you've already been there for the fatty lumps growing on his body. What breed is your dog?