How do you train your puppy to be housebroken?

I have a sweet little miniature schnauzer. I need to know how to housebreak her. THANKS!

    How do you train your puppy to be housebroken?

    I have a sweet little miniature schnauzer. I need to know how to housebreak her. THANKS!...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you train your puppy to be housebroken?...

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    • How do you train your puppy to be housebroken?

      How do you train your puppy to be housebroken? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a sweet little miniature schnauzer. I need to know how to housebreak her. THANKS!

      How do you train your puppy to be housebroken?

      How do you train your puppy to be housebroken? Other Pet Discussions
    • What I did with my terrier mix, was walk it as soon as it ate and drank water. While walking it I wouldn't return until it handled business. For everytime it "went" in the house, I would give it a smack on the rear end with a newspaper (not too hard though, I don't like hurting it), and it eventually got the message!

    • There are a few ways and all take time.....The way i do it is when i get the pup i also put down a sheet of newspaper which ive put a little dog hair on to attract the puppy by smell.If you catch the puppy weeing on the paper indoors great your on your way because gradually you can move the paper outdoors and hell go with it.If he doesnt take to the paper then keep an eye out and if you catch him in the act but not near the paper then give him a tap on the nose and a telling off. Only tell him off if you catch him in the act because if he has done it earlier and you tell him off he wont understand.Like a child if he comes close to doing it on the paper then show him where he should do it and give him a little praise because hes learning.When hes learnt to use paper move it outside and show him where it is. Move the paper gradually over a week.

    • house training involves the use of a crate or cage. The often-stated reasoning is that the animal is placed in a cage that is just large enough to be a bed. Dogs do not like to soil their beds because they would be forced to lay in the mess. It works, and while in these confines, most pups will control their bladder and bowels for a longer time than we would expect. Young puppies, at 8 or 9 weeks of age can often last for 7 or 8 hours, however, we would never recommend leaving them unattended in a crate for that long in most circumstances.During housebreaking, whenever the puppy is inside the home but cannot be watched, he is placed in the crate. This might be while you are cooking, reading to the children, or even away from the home. The last thing you do before you put the puppy in the crate is take him outside to his favorite spot. The first thing you do when you take the animal out of the crate is another trip outside. No food or water goes in the crate, just a blanket and maybe a chew toy to occupy his time. Overnight is definitely crate time. As your faith in the puppy grows, leave him out for longer and longer periods of time.