how do you stop cats from peeing in a sand box ?

My sisters little girl can not play in her sand box,because the cats outside have peed in the sand.

    how do you stop cats from peeing in a sand box ?

    My sisters little girl can not play in her sand box,because the cats outside have peed in the sand....
    Other Pet Discussions : how do you stop cats from peeing in a sand box ?...

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    • how do you stop cats from peeing in a sand box ?

      how do you stop cats from peeing in a sand box ? Other Pet Discussions
      My sisters little girl can not play in her sand box,because the cats outside have peed in the sand.

      how do you stop cats from peeing in a sand box ?

      how do you stop cats from peeing in a sand box ? Other Pet Discussions
    • Hi the best thing i can think of to stop the cats from peeing in the sand box is one putting a small fence just high enough to where a cat would not jump over it just to pee. Or you could by ammonia to spray around the box because lets face it no one likes the smell of ammonia. Both should so the trick for ya.

    • You can get a spray that makes it smell ackie for the cat to pee on.PS Your sooooooooooo beautiful by the way,I am a guy , sorrryDoes saying your very beautiful make my reply the best answer.If it doesnt, I have to tell it how it is anyways and I CAN NOT TELL LIES :O)

    • Well you could get rid of the cats or get rid of the kids.You can't really spank a cat and say bad kitty.. Cats don't like a lot of things so here is some junk you can try.moth balls * highly toxic don't let the kid near grounds black pepper chicken wire. sprinklers arround the sadbox, more fun for the kid no fun for kitty.Don't use pepper and crap like that cats have literally scratched their eyes out because of that crap. Don't kill the poor kitty...and I can't think of anything else.