How can i tell what kind of turtle I have and what do I feed it?

My little girl found it in the yard, and is keeping it in a fish bowl containing a rock and some water

    How can i tell what kind of turtle I have and what do I feed it?

    My little girl found it in the yard, and is keeping it in a fish bowl containing a rock and some water...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can i tell what kind of turtle I have and what do I feed it?...

    • How can i tell what kind of turtle I have and what do I feed it?

      How can i tell what kind of turtle I have and what do I feed it? Other Pet Discussions
      My little girl found it in the yard, and is keeping it in a fish bowl containing a rock and some water

      How can i tell what kind of turtle I have and what do I feed it?

      How can i tell what kind of turtle I have and what do I feed it? Other Pet Discussions
    • If it was found in the yard how do you even know it is a turtle?Please, take it to a vet or local wildlife centre to have it identified, and to ensure you have not illegally imprisoned a wild animal!! Firstly, not all 'turtles' should be in water, and most definitely not chlorinated tap water!! Pet turtles sold in pet stores are generally meat eaters and are fed raw hamburger, chicken etc. But this could just as easily be a tortoise, that NEVER hangs out in water and is VEGETARIAN.Sorry, but in my mind it is bad parenting to allow a child to keep a live animal they found...this is not finders keepers, this is a wild creature entitled to a life lived wild and free!! Aside from the fact that it is likely illegal to keep it, and that turtles as pets are commonly the cause of salmonella contamination in small children...Please, do the responsible thing, explain to your child how she would not like to be locked up in her closet for the rest of her life, to poop, eat and play in such a tiny space. Immediately contact your vet or local rehab centre for identification and the best option for this foundling.Thank you.