How do I get my timid dog to take a treat from my hand?

She is so shy and timid. I have to put it on the ground for her to actually take it! She's a sheltie.

    How do I get my timid dog to take a treat from my hand?

    She is so shy and timid. I have to put it on the ground for her to actually take it! She's a sheltie....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get my timid dog to take a treat from my hand?...

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    • How do I get my timid dog to take a treat from my hand?

      How do I get my timid dog to take a treat from my hand? Other Pet Discussions
      She is so shy and timid. I have to put it on the ground for her to actually take it! She's a sheltie.

      How do I get my timid dog to take a treat from my hand?

      How do I get my timid dog to take a treat from my hand? Other Pet Discussions
    • Be patient! Keep trying.Sit VERY quietly and patiently, for as long as it takes.Don't look her directly in the face. Dogs view this as a threat, or a challenge.Turn sideways to her. Direct body-posture is also considered a threat by dogs.I'd sit, on the floor, with my back to her, my hand out, with the treat in it, and wait...Good luck. Keep trying!Also, dogs are VERY conscious of body-language. Try the play-soliciting-posture:Get on your hands and knees, then put your forearms on the ground, in front of you. Do this quickly. To dogs, this means "Let's play!" You have probably already seen her do this. Imitate!This has worked for me with previously-abused dogs.

    • You have to help her build her confidence. I would recommend working with a dog trainer on this to get the best one on one advice. It may take a while for her to trust you.

    • Just hold the cookie out and wait for her to come to it. Don't go to her, let her come to you. If you sit still and hold the cookie out long enough, she'll come out to you. Don't pressure her or make her freightened with any sudden movements or noise. Also, be calm because, remember, dogs can sense how you feel.

    • I have a dog that was so timid when I rescued her that nobody could even touch her. I finally got her to trust me by putting the treat in the middle of the floor, and then every time, moving it closer to me until it was right beside me....It wasn't long before she decided that it was ok to take it directly from me! It will take time, but it will be worth it! GOOD LUCK!

    • laura M is have to get the dog to be able to trust you first...also try putting peanut butter on the treat...dogs cant resist peanut butter...make sure you let the dog smell you and don't be scared because dogs can sense things like that