How do you get rid of grief, sorrow and depression?

My beloved dog, Blondie died 2 weeks ago, and the grief is unbearable. How is the best way to deal with grief? She died a horrible death.

    How do you get rid of grief, sorrow and depression?

    My beloved dog, Blondie died 2 weeks ago, and the grief is unbearable. How is the best way to deal with grief? She died a horrible death....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you get rid of grief, sorrow and depression?...

    • How do you get rid of grief, sorrow and depression?

      How do you get rid of grief, sorrow and depression? Other Pet Discussions
      My beloved dog, Blondie died 2 weeks ago, and the grief is unbearable. How is the best way to deal with grief? She died a horrible death.

      How do you get rid of grief, sorrow and depression?

      How do you get rid of grief, sorrow and depression? Other Pet Discussions
    • Seek out other pet owners who will understand your loss and minimize contact with those who do not. It just takes time...remember the good times as Blondie wouldn't like it if you are sad over her. it'll take time and you will look back upon her memory and smile. It is still very soon and the pain is still to raw for a new pet. I wouldn't rush out and get a new pet yet. You will know when it is time for a new little friend.