How do I get rid of the cloudy water in my fishtank? Is it harmful?

I have cloudy water in my tank and I can't get rid of it. I was told that you can only change half or less of the water and your not supposed to keeping washing their gravel/rocks.I have freshwater fish.

    How do I get rid of the cloudy water in my fishtank? Is it harmful?

    I have cloudy water in my tank and I can't get rid of it. I was told that you can only change half or less of the water and your not supposed to keeping washing their gravel/rocks.I have freshwater fish....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get rid of the cloudy water in my fishtank? Is it harmful?...

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    • How do I get rid of the cloudy water in my fishtank? Is it harmful?

      How do I get rid of the cloudy water in my fishtank? Is it harmful? Other Pet Discussions
      I have cloudy water in my tank and I can't get rid of it. I was told that you can only change half or less of the water and your not supposed to keeping washing their gravel/rocks.I have freshwater fish.

      How do I get rid of the cloudy water in my fishtank? Is it harmful?

      How do I get rid of the cloudy water in my fishtank? Is it harmful? Other Pet Discussions
    • There are a few solutions. There's always the chemicals that are sold at your local pet store. Another possible solution is to make sure that you clean EVERYTHING when you change the water. Check and make sure that you have changed your filter cartridge recently, and if you haven't, do so. If you have, you may want to invest in a stronger and more powerful filter but beware of one that is too strong because it may kill your fish. The final possible solution that no one has said yet is to leave your light off more often. I assume you have some sort of hood/light combo. Leave this off when you aren't home, and leave it off at night. Only leave it on for a few hours a day. The light actaully causes things to grow in the water that will make it appear cloudy. It's just like if you leave a glass of coffee out for a few days mold will begin to grow on it. It's essentially the same thing.The absolute very best thing to do in order to reduce the cloudiness of your water is a combination of all four things I mentioned above.

    • How long has it been cloudy? Sometimes a tank will be clear one day and cloudy the next, and clear up just as quickly in a day or two. In that case, it's just an algae bloom and isn't anything to worry about. But if your tank needs cleaning, do a gravel vac and water change.

    • When you say "washing their gravel/rocks" do you use soap or any other chemical? Your water might be getting cloudy if you have used soap or a chemical or your putting way to much food in the tank and your fish aren't eating it.