What is the funniest thing your cat does?

Right now mine is stretched out in front of a fan that is blowing on her.

    What is the funniest thing your cat does?

    Right now mine is stretched out in front of a fan that is blowing on her....
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the funniest thing your cat does?...

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    • What is the funniest thing your cat does?

      What is the funniest thing your cat does? Other Pet Discussions
      Right now mine is stretched out in front of a fan that is blowing on her.

      What is the funniest thing your cat does?

      What is the funniest thing your cat does? Other Pet Discussions
    • My gosh... my cat is "Miss Princess" (not really her name is Smokie but she thinks shes a princess)... when the AC is on, she'll walk up to it, put her face in front of the vent thats blowing the air out, and just stand there for 2 minutes, moving her face back and forth. Then she'll sashay to her spot on my bed and then try to take up that whole corner.

    • My cat Sanders steals money. I get tips at my job and if I'm sitting on the floor counting them, he comes over and watches. When he thinks I'm not watching, he paws some over to him and sits on it so I can't see it. If I catch him doing it he gets up and walks away like he had nothing to do with it. Once, I found some money under the chair in the living room, when i moved the chair to get it, he ran over and sat on the money like it wasn't there.Also, I just this minute went to check for my cat in his little cat house, but instead I found one one my flip flops that he decided to chew all to hell. I didn't find that funny at all. Hes getting a time out now.And my other cat Angel was in the toilet this morning drinking water. Like actually inside the toilet bowl, not just leaning over the edge. Shes such a dumbass

    • Missy will run in circles for hours, She needs to be circling something like the kitchen table,coffee table. She does this mostly at night so none of the other cats or dogs get in her way. She is single-minded in this venture.

    • Fred sits when u tell him gives u his paw and goes up on two legs, of course all for treats. But sometimes out of no where he will open the refrigerator door, and walk away he dosent even want anything. i don't get it.

    • My boyfriend and I were in bed when we heard a funny noise coming from underneath. We looked under and there was our cat Tango, running around upsidedown...we have plywood under our boxspring so Tango was in heaven sharpening his claws!

    • Donkey ( My kat's name) hides and waits for somebodo to find him , but the silly thing is that he only hide his head or face , and you can still his whole body

    • My cats have an obsession with bottle caps....like from the tops of water bottles....They hid them around the house...once i pulled out my couch to vaccume and there were overe 100 NO WORD OF A LIE....they had a field day when I found them ...Crazy kids

    • tigger any small itemwill take from the table and any of his toys play with them then place them in his food dish. every morning i know how much fun he had durring the night by what toys are in the dish. he will even put his catnip toys in the water dish. have found paperclips, rubberbands, hair ties, mice and small balls he likes. he also likes the plasticpulloff from jugs of milk,twist ties from breadtoo.