I have adopted the neighborhood stray cat. How do you litter box train an adult cat that is used to being out?

I have adopted the neighborhood stray cat. I took her yesterday to have her shots. So now my question is, how do I litter box train her.

    I have adopted the neighborhood stray cat. How do you litter box train an adult cat that is used to being out?

    I have adopted the neighborhood stray cat. I took her yesterday to have her shots. So now my question is, how do I litter box train her....
    Other Pet Discussions : I have adopted the neighborhood stray cat. How do you litter box train an adult cat that is used to being out?...

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    • I have adopted the neighborhood stray cat. How do you litter box train an adult cat that is used to being out?

      I have adopted the neighborhood stray cat. How do you litter box train an adult cat that is used to being out? Other Pet Discussions
      I have adopted the neighborhood stray cat. I took her yesterday to have her shots. So now my question is, how do I litter box train her.

      I have adopted the neighborhood stray cat. How do you litter box train an adult cat that is used to being out?

      I have adopted the neighborhood stray cat. How do you litter box train an adult cat that is used to being out? Other Pet Discussions
    • As an adult cat she may never get comfortable with a litter box. I have had cat's that would much rather go outside. Fortunately, because of being used to being out, she probably won't be comfortable going on your floor either. What I found worked the best with cats like this was a kitty door, so they could go out and take care of business when they needed to.

    • FIRST thing when you bring your cat into your home, you MUST put the cat IMMEDIATELY into her litter box. She has to learn, understand and know where she CAN relieve herself and that it is okay to do so IN that box.If she does make a mess, pick her up immediately and put her IN the box. It might take a few tries, but cats like to cover their messes up, so if there's a nice litter box that is kept clean, she will go there.If you don't show her, she'll find your potted plants and use them instead.

    • if she is use to being out then u don't have to train her her litter box is outside (the sand thats outside a.k.a dirt) but if u don' want her to have her paws with dirt then that will be a very bad choice for u. GOOD LUCK hope this helps!!!!!

    • set up the litter box and show her where it is put her in it and let her dig around ma bey take her front paws and shoe her how to dig. Then watch her when she is playing and things. Then if you see her sniffing around take her to the box and let her do her thing.If she uses the box praise her a lot then after that she will likely use it on her own

    • First of all I think you are to be commended for what you did. You go girl!!!With the litter box issue, most likely the cat will want to go outside all the time to relieve itself. Most cats do adapt to litter box use quickly as it is their nature to be clean. I would just show it the box, monitor for compliance. Not a lot of training a cat if you know what I mean. LOL. I am curious myself as to how this goes for you.

    • Thanks for bringing in a stray- As for litter box training, most cats do instinctively, and I've never seen a cat from outside have a problem with the litterbox inside. The trick is to get the cat to figure where the litter box is. I would set up a number of boxes all over, and then as the cat gets used to going in a litter box, start taking away the ones in inconvenient places.Also, If you just brought the cat inside, it might be good to keep him confined to one room, with a litter box in it, until you get him to the vet and checked out.

    • Put out a litter box and show the cat were it is. Cats would much rather go in a litter box then on the ground or in the house some were that its not supposed to.