How do I get my cat out of the cupboard?

We just moved to a new apartment and my cat (that we've had for over a year) found a cubbyhole in the cupboard and we can't get her out and we can't find her.Anyone have any tips to coach a scared kitty out of hiding?

    How do I get my cat out of the cupboard?

    We just moved to a new apartment and my cat (that we've had for over a year) found a cubbyhole in the cupboard and we can't get her out and we can't find her.Anyone have any tips to coach a scared kitty out of hiding?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get my cat out of the cupboard?...

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    • How do I get my cat out of the cupboard?

      How do I get my cat out of the cupboard? Other Pet Discussions
      We just moved to a new apartment and my cat (that we've had for over a year) found a cubbyhole in the cupboard and we can't get her out and we can't find her.Anyone have any tips to coach a scared kitty out of hiding?

      How do I get my cat out of the cupboard?

      How do I get my cat out of the cupboard? Other Pet Discussions
    • Just leave her, if she got in there, she will most likely get out of there. Sometimes cats can be very scared of new surroundings, and might just want to adjust and needs the time to adjust. If you want to coax her out, then open a cat of tuna, or something that she really likes, and I am sure that she will be willing to come out for that.

    • Just be patient............she will come out when good and ready........just plug the hole when she does......cats, much like humans, don't like be sweet to her.....good luck...

    • Put her food and water bowl just outside the cubbyhole. Try catnip, too, if you have any. She'll have to come out eventually to get something to eat -- just hope you're there to catch her before she goes right back in. If she's sitting at the entrance to the cubbyhole, ready to run back in if you come for her, then dangle a toy on a string to get her interest, and slowly try to use the toy to coax her out, then grab her when she comes out. After having worked at an animal shelter with both cats and dogs, though, I would recommend not blocking the entrance to the cubbyhole when you try to grab her. Cats can get pretty nasty if you block their escape route, because they get scared, especially in new surroundings. Just give her some time, and always keep her food, water, and litter box outside the cubbyhole.

    • Wow i would be in a panic have you tried her favorite food or treats maybe try calling her shake her jingle bell if worst comes to worst call the land lord my cat climbed up the chimney thank god she didn't get to far i had to pull her back out by her back legs she was covered with dirty black dust i called the vet he said just to wash her off and keep a eye on her if she started to have breathing problems to bring her in .. good luck ,,i don't understand why some animals do things like that they just get spooked and poof there out of here no matter what

    • I just brought a shelter cat into my house a few weeks ago and he went under a bed and wouldn't come out either. I put food, water and a litter box in the room and he obviously comes out to eat and use the box, but, only at night when we're asleep. So keep these items near or in this hole for yours. It took ours more than 3 weeks to come out to scope out his new surroundings. So, just be patient.