How long does it take to house break a labrador retriever puppy at 3 months of age?

We have had my puppy for about a week. and some days she get's it and some she doesnt. Plus we just bought this house and are having friends over. Any advice on how to keep the house from smelling like dog pee and poop?

    How long does it take to house break a labrador retriever puppy at 3 months of age?

    We have had my puppy for about a week. and some days she get's it and some she doesnt. Plus we just bought this house and are having friends over. Any advice on how to keep the house from smelling like dog pee and poop?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How long does it take to house break a labrador retriever puppy at 3 months of age?...

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    • How long does it take to house break a labrador retriever puppy at 3 months of age?

      How long does it take to house break a labrador retriever puppy at 3 months of age? Other Pet Discussions
      We have had my puppy for about a week. and some days she get's it and some she doesnt. Plus we just bought this house and are having friends over. Any advice on how to keep the house from smelling like dog pee and poop?

      How long does it take to house break a labrador retriever puppy at 3 months of age?

      How long does it take to house break a labrador retriever puppy at 3 months of age? Other Pet Discussions
    • It takes time to train a dog. Depending on how fast they learn the time is different. I would say at least a month would be enough time. Even then a puppy will have accidents until it is about a year old.As far as the smell try a deodorizer you can pick up at any pet store.

    • Natures miracle is great for "accidents".As for the housebreaking, it depends on how consistant & vigulent YOU are. With a touch of how much she learn before you got her. I wouldn't exect a pup to be prefect at less than 4-5 months but pretty good could come soon if you work on it.

    • The amount of time for house breaking depends on the dog and method. i recommend using a portable crate (the kind they use for airplanes). It should be just big enough for the pup to stand up, turn around, and lay down. The pup wont want to soil its bedding so it wont go potty in it (unless left to long). Take the pup outside before play time in the house, and 15-20 min after meal times and being given water. Feed in the morning or early afternoon (will help with overnight accidents) It will teach the pup that it has to wait for you to let it out, and that it is to potty before playing in the house.

    • when ever it pees or poops you have to be mean to it and make it smell it and then smack it.And take it outside.this sounds weird but it works.i have got a lab puppy too and she is trained.

    • Well, when we got our puppy a couple of years ago, also a lab, we put newspapers in front of the doors and told him "good boy" if he went on the newspapers, if he went on the floor, we made him look at what he did and told him "bad" and "no" and he was potty trained in a week, we also showed him how to scratch on the door. But it may take longer for your puppy, and make sure you be consistent.

    • Well, for the puppy house training, purchase a package of Wee Wee pads and follow the simple directions. It takes a week or two.Keep the pup in the kitchen. Use baby gates for the openings and safety latches on the cabinets. It is the easiest room in the house to clean.For the smell, have the carpets professionally cleaned. If you do it yourself, it will smell like you did it yourself.Take the pup to the groomer, and have the pup cleaned as well. You want your friends to be impressed. A clean dog is impressive!A can of Oust! works great as an air freshener, because it does not add any just removes the odor in the air.Febreeze is good for the furniture. I have used it for years so do not believe the rumors you will hear.Feed a name brand dog food. Purina Puppy Chow is fine if you are on a budget. You don't need to spend a lot of money, just avoid the plain wrap cheap food.