How long does a tetanus shot last in a horse?

If a tetanus shot lasts 10 years in a human why doesn't it last that long in a horse?? Or does it and the vets tell you different?

    How long does a tetanus shot last in a horse?

    If a tetanus shot lasts 10 years in a human why doesn't it last that long in a horse?? Or does it and the vets tell you different?...
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    • How long does a tetanus shot last in a horse?

      How long does a tetanus shot last in a horse? Other Pet Discussions
      If a tetanus shot lasts 10 years in a human why doesn't it last that long in a horse?? Or does it and the vets tell you different?

      How long does a tetanus shot last in a horse?

      How long does a tetanus shot last in a horse? Other Pet Discussions
    • One year.I don't think the vet is deliberately telling you this; I think that the mere fact that they are out & around "things" and have a greater chance of getting injured has a lot to do with it. Why don't we humans get rabies shots ? We aways seem to hear about people getting bit .Why does a rabies shot last 1 year in a puppy & 3 years in an adult dog but only 1 year in a horse ?You are right in that there are a lot of vaccines out there. You might not need all of them; especially if you are not taking your horse to places like shows, barns & trails with other horses who may be carrying something you don't want. . If , financially, you have to pick & choose then certainly let the vet help you. Also learn how to give a shot yourself because you can do it on most of them & it will save you a great deal of money.

    • Mostly to avoid having to give a booster when there is a threat, since for minor injuries people do not usually call the vet and because of the conditions in which horses are kept (ie outside where the tetanus bug lives) and the difficulties in keeping a wound sterile horses are at very high risk of contracting tetanus. If it is more than 12 months from their last vaccine it is recommended to give a booster with any wound. The immune system also has different efficacies in different species and how long immunity lasts varies widely between species.Incidentally those working in outside or high-risk jobs are recommended to have tetanus shots more often. I am supposed to have mine done every 5 years at the maximum.Also historically tetanus jabs are given yearly because they are given with the flu vaccine which changes every year as the flu bug mutates and the old vaccine no longer offers protection against the current strain.You can see the video of the horse suffering from tetanus in my source page. See how it is horrible to see a horse suffering from tetanus. It is highly advisable to give a tetanus shot once in a year for safer side.The causative agent Clostridium tetani should be dealt carefully...