How Many Angelfish should I keep in a ten g and what can i keep with it?

This is my first fish tank myself but i have helped with fish tanks all the time. (We own a cichlid tank). Please respond as soon as possible.At t he petsmart it said that i need atleast a 10 gallon. Then the women that works there said that it is 1…

    How Many Angelfish should I keep in a ten g and what can i keep with it?

    This is my first fish tank myself but i have helped with fish tanks all the time. (We own a cichlid tank). Please respond as soon as possible.At t he petsmart it said that i need atleast a 10 gallon. Then the women that works there said that it is 1…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How Many Angelfish should I keep in a ten g and what can i keep with it?...

    • How Many Angelfish should I keep in a ten g and what can i keep with it?

      How Many Angelfish should I keep in a ten g and what can i keep with it? Other Pet Discussions
      This is my first fish tank myself but i have helped with fish tanks all the time. (We own a cichlid tank). Please respond as soon as possible.At t he petsmart it said that i need atleast a 10 gallon. Then the women that works there said that it is 1 gallon for every little angelfish. These angelfish are only about an inch each...

      How Many Angelfish should I keep in a ten g and what can i keep with it?

      How Many Angelfish should I keep in a ten g and what can i keep with it? Other Pet Discussions
    • 10-gallons is far too small for even a single Angelfish. Look at this site for the few fish that can be kept in so small a tank: you want Angels, you're going to need at least 30-gallons for a single fish, 55-gallons for a pair. FYI, good fish profile sites: signs at Petsmart cover themselves by putting a + at the end of the tank requirement size, which means that the fish need 10-gallons at their current size, but more, (+) as they grow. So yes, you could get away with keeping a couple of small Angels in a 10-gallon for a month or two, then a 20-gallon for another few months, and continually upgrading until you reach the size needed when fully grown. This would cost a fortune though, and if you didn't upgrade soon enough, your fish would become stunted, which would lead to an untimely demise. It is therefor advised that when stocking an aquarium, one does so with the full size of the fish taken into account. Angels, when full grown, are both long and tall, up to 10". The employees at Petsmart and the like receive little or no training, and are often far more interested in the sale than the well being of the fish.If you want any sort of educated advice, find a good local pet store with which to do business, and avoid pet shops and chain stores.

    • you cant keep any angel fish in a 10 gallon tank 29 minimumalso research the angel fish they are not good beginner fish there water parameters have to be perfect they cant deal with stress and they are not as easy too keep as people think!

    • 10 gallon is too small for an angel. 20 gallon minimum i would say. In a 20 gallon you could have 2-3.If you really want one in your ten gallon tehn only 1 please. they could live happily with:1 Angel Fish1-3 otocinclus (algea cleaners, wait till algea acumalates)probably nothing else. You could try other fish as long as they look like they have room they probably do.Remember angel fish do get quite big though so i recomend getting a 20 gallon and getting:2 angel Fish4-5 Tiger barbsand 1 Bushy Nose Pleco OR 1 Pitbull Pleco OR 3 Otocinclus

    • well i suggest u start with a 30 gal for 1 angel because the can grow and get cramped. u need at least a 35 or 40gal for other tank mates. remember, they are hardy fish not meant for beginners. do some research if u really want to keep one. in a 10gal tank, you can keep:common goldfishesmolliesneon tetrasghost shrimpsplantssnailsfrogsguppiesmolliescichlidplatybettapletcosalgae eaterssharks(like bala and rainbow)minnow and array of others. when i list the above, i dont mean one of each of them above in a 10 gal but mix and try a couple of combos. u can even keep dwarf frogs. they grow fairly quick and if u want those little ones, u need a bigger tank wen the grow! u cant release them into the wild if u have another 30gal tank! it is against the law. there is a special angel that u can keep in a 10 gal. it is small. those that are like an in each. they do well with the above both ways but not alot of the above fishes.