How do you get a kitten to stop biting and scratching me?

I have a seven week old kitten who thinks my hands are toys! Everytime she wants to scratch or bite me, I give her her favourite toy but she ignores it and continues to "play" with my hands. Sometimes she goes from licking my hand to biting me. I have…

    How do you get a kitten to stop biting and scratching me?

    I have a seven week old kitten who thinks my hands are toys! Everytime she wants to scratch or bite me, I give her her favourite toy but she ignores it and continues to "play" with my hands. Sometimes she goes from licking my hand to biting me. I have…...
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    • Little kittens like to play that way...but it can be a problem. The best way to handle this is to take your index finger and thumb and hold the kitty's mouth closed for a moment and say "NO". Because kitties can't really understand words, it is important that you use a forceful and low voice. If you say no in a similar manner to how you say, "Aren't you a cute kitty?" she won't understand. It will not work if you only do this will take a few tries. Also be consistent...don't let kitty bite you sometimes, and then scold her other times.

    • Well, she wants to play with you. You are now her mommy and she needs to play and toys are one thing, but you (her mommy and her siblings) are another. So you are going to have to deal with a certain amount of biting, scratching and over zealous kneeding.But that isn't to say nothing can be done. I never had a cat until about 14 years ago. When I first got a kitten, I told her "no" a lot. On the 2nd kitten I got, I learned a very weird trick that worked a whole lot quicker.Since then I have raised several kittens into to adults who have all their claws. What did I do? I mimic-ed the sound the kitten makes when something hurts her. When she bites me too hard, or scratches too hard I squall like a cat. If she really hurts me, I pinch her, like a mommy cat biting her baby, and growl like a cat. I have had 2 different cats who got so used to me, that they could sit in my lap, kneed my jeans and just touch my skin without poking or hurting me. I have a cat now who gives me "love bites" where he grabs my hand or finger with his teeth, and at most he leaves an indention mark.

    • Get a scratching board/post for her to sharpen her nails on as they are her defensive tools if she's an outdoor cat. AS for biting you, just give her a few small swats after each bite & she will get the message that you're not her personal biting tool. Also if that dosn't work dab a bit of BLACK PEPPER on your hand after a bite & she'll sure get the message as cats hate things that cause them to sneeze.**** GOOD-LUCK~~~~ REBELCAT.P.S. It's a kitten so start the rules of play & house rules now.!!!!. Earlier the better. O.K.

    • That's normal kitten behavior, as is being a kitten owner who looks like a heroin addict! *LOL*You definitely should be playing with her. I would have suggested the toy situation, but you already tried that. I had "bitey toys" for mine -- a baby sock stuffed with cotton/batting and sewn up. They loved to bite those because they were "squishy". I'd keep them nearby and when they'd start chewing me to pieces, I'd trade my hands for the bitey toy. When she bites, you SHOULD remove your hands and say "no" or "No bite", and then stop the play. "OW" said loudly helps, too. She'll soon associate that the fun stops when she bites, That's a hard one because that's natural instinct and how they play with their siblings, but she will begin to learn to pull the bites so they don't hurt so much. (I have an 8 month old boy that's still learning that trick) You have a girl kitty, so she'll learn pretty fast. Perhaps try, when she's licking, praise her. As soon as she 'starts' to bite, say "NO!" It's all just repetition and consistency, really. She'll get it. Good luck!