How do I get our new dog to keep his paws down?

He's very attached to people and always wants attention. This leads to him putting paws on people, the couch, the bed, etc. When we try to tell him no or smack his nose, he only does it more. Any ideas?

    How do I get our new dog to keep his paws down?

    He's very attached to people and always wants attention. This leads to him putting paws on people, the couch, the bed, etc. When we try to tell him no or smack his nose, he only does it more. Any ideas?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get our new dog to keep his paws down?...

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    • How do I get our new dog to keep his paws down?

      How do I get our new dog to keep his paws down? Other Pet Discussions
      He's very attached to people and always wants attention. This leads to him putting paws on people, the couch, the bed, etc. When we try to tell him no or smack his nose, he only does it more. Any ideas?

      How do I get our new dog to keep his paws down?

      How do I get our new dog to keep his paws down? Other Pet Discussions
    • Aww dont smack him.Harsh tones will be plenty for him to get the point,although not over night. Alot of differant things need to be known old is ur dog? long have u had him? I highly recommend obedience classes for any dog and owner,they have lots of ways in assisting u in figuring out what discipline will b most affective for u and ur dog. :)

    • I agree with taking his paws off of you and saying "NO"... but if he dosen't after a while...go ahead and Gently push him off you with your knees and hands.3rd option is when ever he places his paws on anything you don't want him to...spray him with bitter apple spray.... found in your petstore. Its made from apples and they hate the taste and smell :)

    • Put his paws down when he tries to put them up. Give him one command only for this action. Then when he does what is asked, praise him or give him a small dog treat. This way he knows the right way to do it.

    • Pawing at you is your dog saying "you will pay attention to me NOW!" Giving your dog any attention at all (whether good or bad) is giving him what he wants. Your dog is being a bit obnoxious and headstrong. I wish I had the full answer to curing him. Check with trainers or veterinarians. Take him to some classes. Please don't smack your dog, he will only learn to fear you and/or become aggressive with you.

    • Positive reinforcement is much more productive.Try the basic commands of sit and stay. Reward him with lots of attention and a treat when he does it.Do this over and over.Practice this before someone comes over.Make sure you tell whoever that you are in the process of training your dog.When they come over they are to not pet or pay any attention to the dog until it sits. If you do this over and over eventually the dog will learn that it gets attention when it sits etc. To ignore the dog when he comes up and does these things is the best punishment. They just want attention.Like an unruly child that does things for attention.Get yourself a book on training dogs.You will both learn from it. Best of luck.

    • What you never want to do is hit,smack or use high pitched tones with your dog( but u still have to be firm not yelling though FIRM. That will accually cause him/her to be more afriaid of you. What you want to do it gve him/her a command with a hand signal. Every time he/she follows the command you give him/her a treat and phrase. For example you could say " Down girl/boy and if he/she does you would give him/her a treat," and say things like " good job!!!"you can also go to the library and check out a book on training.

    • That is easy all you need to is keep a leash on him.When he jumps up on you guys you pull him down ,and him"NO" Or buy a spray bottle when jumps up spry him with the water. All it does is scares him.

    • Be persistant. You have to "train" the dog to do what you want. Use a commanding voice and do the same action over and over when he paws you. Eventually, they will learn it is not acceptable. Try clapping your hands and yelling NO. This usually gets their attention more than hitting or smacking the animal.

    • i agree with some of the others, reward good behavior with attention or treat, NEVER hit an animal, ignore him when he's unruly, and stay calm-especially your voice-when you come home or guests come to visit