How can I get my two cats to get along?

My family just brought home a new little kitten today and my older cat, who has been here for over ten years, did not like what she saw. She tried to attack the new kitten and started hissing at it. We currently have them separated but it would be much…

    How can I get my two cats to get along?

    My family just brought home a new little kitten today and my older cat, who has been here for over ten years, did not like what she saw. She tried to attack the new kitten and started hissing at it. We currently have them separated but it would be much…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I get my two cats to get along?...

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    • How can I get my two cats to get along?

      How can I get my two cats to get along? Other Pet Discussions
      My family just brought home a new little kitten today and my older cat, who has been here for over ten years, did not like what she saw. She tried to attack the new kitten and started hissing at it. We currently have them separated but it would be much appreciated if anyone had any tips on getting them together without any incidents. Thank you!

      How can I get my two cats to get along?

      How can I get my two cats to get along? Other Pet Discussions
    • you know what, my cat did the same thing when i was baby sitting this month old kitten. she wouldnt stop hissing at him and she attacked him. i read somewere, i forgot were i couldnt find the link but it takes about 2 weeks for your cat to get used to the new cat. but when first introducing em you need to keep em in 2 seperate places and be sure you pay way more attention to your old cat..little by little you need to start introducing themfound it

    • It may take some patience on your part, but it can be done. Take a look at They have an excellent article in "Cat Care" on "How to Introduce the New Kitten/Cat to Your Cat." Helpful!