How much does the average parakeet cost and how long do they live?

I am thinking of buying one and am wondering the cost and upkeep, if they are easy to care for and the lifespan of one. also would it get lonely and if so should i have more than one.

    How much does the average parakeet cost and how long do they live?

    I am thinking of buying one and am wondering the cost and upkeep, if they are easy to care for and the lifespan of one. also would it get lonely and if so should i have more than one....
    Other Pet Discussions : How much does the average parakeet cost and how long do they live?...

    • How much does the average parakeet cost and how long do they live?

      How much does the average parakeet cost and how long do they live? Other Pet Discussions
      I am thinking of buying one and am wondering the cost and upkeep, if they are easy to care for and the lifespan of one. also would it get lonely and if so should i have more than one.

      How much does the average parakeet cost and how long do they live?

      How much does the average parakeet cost and how long do they live? Other Pet Discussions
    • I have one I bought about 10 years ago and she is still as active as her first day home.. I think she was around $20 at a local pet store.. she is easy to maintain but she is also spoiled. Food doesn't cost much, but make sure he/she has alot of toys and they love swings. 2 would be ideal to get, but mine does just fine alone, she is in love with her reflection in the mirror.

    • Baby Budgies are pretty reasonable if you find a private breeder. You can watch the newspapers and that will help. Usually they are around $9 or $10 from a breeder. No bird is easy to keep as they do require a lot of time just hanging out with them. Feeding and watering daily and cage cleaning takes time as well. They don't do well if you are gone all of the time. They need either your company or the company of another budgie. IF you do get two, then they will probably bond to each other. If you have one, it will bond to you. So depends on whether you want one that you can and will handle daily or want one that you just watch play etc. If you don't intend to handle it a lot, then I would suggest getting two so they have each others company.

    • DO NOT GET ONE FORM ANY PETSTOREstudies have shown that 3 out of 4 birds in petstores are not taken full care of.always but from homes that breed the birds.make sure the birds are in good condetion before buying.a budgies life span can be from 3 to 8 years.they are real easy to take care of,a first time pet.