How do I keep my cat from scratching my new fabric chairs?

I bought two upholstered, armless chairs that seem iresistable to one of my cats. How do I keep her from scratching them? I don't mind her laying on them, (even have a little rug on them when she's inside) just don't want her clawing up the sides. I've…

    How do I keep my cat from scratching my new fabric chairs?

    I bought two upholstered, armless chairs that seem iresistable to one of my cats. How do I keep her from scratching them? I don't mind her laying on them, (even have a little rug on them when she's inside) just don't want her clawing up the sides. I've…...
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    • How do I keep my cat from scratching my new fabric chairs?

      How do I keep my cat from scratching my new fabric chairs? Other Pet Discussions
      I bought two upholstered, armless chairs that seem iresistable to one of my cats. How do I keep her from scratching them? I don't mind her laying on them, (even have a little rug on them when she's inside) just don't want her clawing up the sides. I've heard you should put aluminium foil around them, but it looks tacky. I've heard of using double stick tape but haven't tried that yet. We`have a squirt bottle but can't seem to catch her in the act. Proven ideas welcome. Thanks!

      How do I keep my cat from scratching my new fabric chairs?

      How do I keep my cat from scratching my new fabric chairs? Other Pet Discussions
    • There's not much you can do- without turning your house upside or making your cat completely uncomfortable. You can try the foil, the sticky tape even the things you place around their claws- but it's going to disrupt everybody in best advice get a scratching post with cesal on it and hope that works- if not try a squirt bottle and BE CONSISTENT!! Please don't declaw.

    • I had mixed results with sprays, and I'm not a big fan of spraying my new furniture with wierd stuff. I dont care if it's green apple or otherwise.I refuse to put double sided stick-tape or any other kind of sticky stuff on new furniture either.So we used nail caps. They are fairly easy to put on, and last for several weeks at a time. They have a variety of colors, and it's especially funny to see your black cat meandering around with bright red nailpolish-looking claws.

    • Go buy the cat a scratch post, now I am not talking a small $20.00 one. I have one that I got for the same reason and it saved my furniture. It cost me $150.00 but the price was cheaper than replacing my chairs, and my cat loves it. I got mine at Petco but as you know they are available at any pet store. She no longer does my chairs :O)