How can I stop an excessively shedding dog?

I have a 2 year old Chocolate Lab. He sheds excessively. I sweep the floor of our house daily and sweep enough hair to fill a gallon sized ziploc bag! It is out of control. I bathe him every other week with anti-shed shampoo and he gets a high quality…

    How can I stop an excessively shedding dog?

    I have a 2 year old Chocolate Lab. He sheds excessively. I sweep the floor of our house daily and sweep enough hair to fill a gallon sized ziploc bag! It is out of control. I bathe him every other week with anti-shed shampoo and he gets a high quality…...
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    • How can I stop an excessively shedding dog?

      How can I stop an excessively shedding dog? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a 2 year old Chocolate Lab. He sheds excessively. I sweep the floor of our house daily and sweep enough hair to fill a gallon sized ziploc bag! It is out of control. I bathe him every other week with anti-shed shampoo and he gets a high quality food (Natural Choice). Any suggestions? Have any of you tried a dog supplements?

      How can I stop an excessively shedding dog?

      How can I stop an excessively shedding dog? Other Pet Discussions
    • You can't stop him from shedding but I had this problem with my black lab a couple months ago and I finally held him down and took the vacuum to him. He hated it and thought he was being punished but it didn't hurt him and took care of the problem.

    • Fact of life -- most dogs, including your breed, shed. Dogs don't need to be bathed all that often unless they roll in stuff or smell really rank. Too much bathing can strip a dogs coat of its natural oils. So go easy on the baths. Grooming is the key to controlling shedding but you will never eliminate it.

    • They have shampoos/conditioners and stuff that you put in their food that is supposed to work. I've heard good things about the food stuff. Go to and search for shedding and you should get lots of ideas. :)

    • Frequent brushing will reduce the sheding. a good balanced dog food will also help. You can give flack seed oil in with the food. One table spoon every other day is plenty and will also help to keep the coat nice and shiney. Natural choice food is not in the top 8 ranked foods.

    • You can ask your vet about it, because sometimes there is an underlying health issue behind the shedding. Also, I work at a vet and I have seen some people shave their animals, so that their hair is shorter. The dog may not always look as nice, but there is less hair. The amount of shedding is still the same, but the hair is shorter so it is less noticeable. You may also want to try brushing your dog daily. There is a product called the Zoom Groom sold at most petstores, and it removes hair very well because it is rubber and catches the loose hair in the undercoat.

    • Only wash your dog when he starts to smell bad... or is dirty.. Start giving your dog a FULL brush down to get some of the oils back into his coat and also to help remove some of the shedding hair.. He will love you forever heheAlso I heard that giving you dog raw eggs helps with there coat... I think I heard that from my friend that used to breed Pure Bred dogs for show..

    • Many people swear by a mixture called "Hair on the Doorknob"It is made with 1 pound peanut butter1 pound honey1 pound Mirra-Coat1 pint either Pet-Tinic or LinatoneMix it all together and feed 1 Tbsp twice daily. It does wonders!!!!!! Another choice is a supplement that contain Biotin. It is reported to improve the coat and reduce shedding. There is probably Biotin in the Mirra-Coat.You may want to try a different food. Mine always did poorly on Natural Choice, even though it is a good food. No food will fit every dog!!!!! Good Luck!!!Do not give raw eggs!!!!! You can give the yolk raw, but the white contains a enzyme that destroys Biotin!!! You can feed a whole egg cooked though!!!

    • I agree with biker chick, my dog was also shedding alot recently, so i was worried because when we got him it was in February & he wasn't shedding as much. So i took him to the vet he told me he was ok that he was lossing his winter coat for the warm days ahead, to try brushing him in the opposite direction daily. he's doing much better now. well GOOD LUCK, HOPE THIS WAS SOMEWHAT HELPFUL TO U:)

    • Bikerchick had a really great answer it's late spring and it's natural, youshould see my dog she's a long haired mixed breed and I can brush a basketball sized ball of hair off of her every day it seems.The grooming tool that some of the other people mentioned works pretty well for unmatting thier fur if it's really bad. brush her evry day it's quality time for the both of you.

    • Labs shed like crazy. First, have the vet check him for worms. Then bathe him LESS often (like every two months) and use cooler water when you do. Frequent warm water baths make shedding worse and dry out the natural oils in the coat. Then go to the pet store and get a "shedding blade" - a miniature version of the ones that they use on horses. Daily brushing with that (and/or the vacuum) will help. Nutro's a great food - I've been using it for years with great results. That's about all you can do.

    • Add some extra omega fatty acids to the diet.Canned salmon is a good and easy to use source of omegas.I started giving my 80 pound lab 1/2 cup per day with her morning feeding one year ago.It has not only reduced shedding,but also keeps fur soft and shiny.You can also buy Omega supplements at pet stores.