How do I get my dog to cool off in a plastic pool?

I live in Arizona and it gets very hot here. I bought a kiddie pool for my dog today. But I am not sure how to introduce it to the dog. My dog digs under a bush to get cool normally and lays in the moist dirt. I don't want to scare the dog off from the…

    How do I get my dog to cool off in a plastic pool?

    I live in Arizona and it gets very hot here. I bought a kiddie pool for my dog today. But I am not sure how to introduce it to the dog. My dog digs under a bush to get cool normally and lays in the moist dirt. I don't want to scare the dog off from the…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get my dog to cool off in a plastic pool?...

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    • How do I get my dog to cool off in a plastic pool?

      How do I get my dog to cool off in a plastic pool? Other Pet Discussions
      I live in Arizona and it gets very hot here. I bought a kiddie pool for my dog today. But I am not sure how to introduce it to the dog. My dog digs under a bush to get cool normally and lays in the moist dirt. I don't want to scare the dog off from the pool by splashing it any suggestions?

      How do I get my dog to cool off in a plastic pool?

      How do I get my dog to cool off in a plastic pool? Other Pet Discussions
    • Step one... pick up dogstep two... walk to kiddie poolstep three... set dog in water;;)You can toss a few tennis balls in there to help. The dog might not understand what to do with it.

    • Can you just put a little bit of water in (not so much that it splashes the dog's face when he jumps in) and bribe him with a treat? Maybe put a favorite toy in there? My dog isn't a huge fan of water so she needs to explore it on her own (like one paw at a time) but she always jumps in eventually.

    • Does your dog care when you're giving it a bath? (like do you have to fight to keep it in the tub or fight with it to stay calm) Does it like playing in water from the hose, puddles, etc? If it doesn't, then the dog isn't going to lay in the pool to stay cool.

    • . Be gentle .... Dont force it!make it fun for your dog to check it out. Some of my dogs naturally want to be in the water and some have little desire to go near the water.I give them clean water and change it often and let them make their own choiceits a good way to do it tho!