At what temperature is it unsafe to keep a bunny outside?

I live in Wisconsin, so it gets pretty brutal in the winter. I wouldn't even CONSIDER leaving a rabbit outside in the winter seeing as how it gets almost negitive 40 every year. But as far as the summer goes, it doesn't usually get too hot. ANYWAY, back…

    At what temperature is it unsafe to keep a bunny outside?

    I live in Wisconsin, so it gets pretty brutal in the winter. I wouldn't even CONSIDER leaving a rabbit outside in the winter seeing as how it gets almost negitive 40 every year. But as far as the summer goes, it doesn't usually get too hot. ANYWAY, back…...
    Other Pet Discussions : At what temperature is it unsafe to keep a bunny outside?...

    • At what temperature is it unsafe to keep a bunny outside?

      At what temperature is it unsafe to keep a bunny outside? Other Pet Discussions
      I live in Wisconsin, so it gets pretty brutal in the winter. I wouldn't even CONSIDER leaving a rabbit outside in the winter seeing as how it gets almost negitive 40 every year. But as far as the summer goes, it doesn't usually get too hot. ANYWAY, back to my question what temperature is unsafe to keep a rabbit outside in a hutch? Both hot and cold temperatures please. Thanks in advance!

      At what temperature is it unsafe to keep a bunny outside?

      At what temperature is it unsafe to keep a bunny outside? Other Pet Discussions
    • You shouldn't really let a bunny stay outside! Its more safe to keep them inside in the coolest place which would be around 55 degrees F. You don't want to keep them warm because some could get respiratory disease. Hope this helps!

    • They can handle pretty cold temperatures. I dont know how cold. The warmest temperature is 80 degrees. Now just because they can handle really cold temperatures and warmer temperatures doesnt mean they should. Its best to keep it around 60-70 degrees. Temperature is not the only thing you need to worry about when housing outdoors. There are bugs, predators, rain, wind. Its never safe to house rabbits outside.

    • 80F and above can induce a fast heat stroke. I wouldn't house outside if it gets anywhere above 75F since temps can fluctuate quickly. (I do not house outdoors there are way too many dangers for me to feel comfortable housing outside)The best temperature for a rabbit is 60-70F that is when they are most comfortable. My house stays at 72F and my rabbits are happy as can be. -40F is way way too cold. Rabbits handle cold weather well but -40F is a little much.