How do I help my dog not to be scared riding in the car?

I adopted a little dog from the animal shelter a couple of months ago. She is so sweet and good! The only problem is for a reason I will never know, she is scared to ride in my car. She goes into panic mode the minute we start moving until we stop.…

    How do I help my dog not to be scared riding in the car?

    I adopted a little dog from the animal shelter a couple of months ago. She is so sweet and good! The only problem is for a reason I will never know, she is scared to ride in my car. She goes into panic mode the minute we start moving until we stop.…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I help my dog not to be scared riding in the car?...

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    • How do I help my dog not to be scared riding in the car?

      How do I help my dog not to be scared riding in the car? Other Pet Discussions
      I adopted a little dog from the animal shelter a couple of months ago. She is so sweet and good! The only problem is for a reason I will never know, she is scared to ride in my car. She goes into panic mode the minute we start moving until we stop. Anybody got a solution. I love to take her with me.

      How do I help my dog not to be scared riding in the car?

      How do I help my dog not to be scared riding in the car? Other Pet Discussions
    • Animals usually relate their emotions to experiences. You could make a car ride very pleasing for the dog. Comfort it during the ride, give the dog treats, and do other things that you know your puppy enjoys. Since you say she panics lots you could sit in the car, make sure the driver isn't driving. See if it's the car that she's scared of or the movement.

    • Just try to carm her down start driving slow at first or just keep giving her a treat that will keep her in there lol, but yea some dogs just hate car travel but there are some things that can be done

    • Show her a car ride could be fun! Get a crate and put her in there for trips and bring lots of treats and toys, when she starts going crazy pet her and when she becomes good give her a treat.

    • When we talk nicely to a dog or stroke it at a time when they are most fearful it only encourages the behavior because the dog begins to think there is actually something to be afraid of . Humans want to help a animal as much as they can but we put our own emotions onto the dog when really if the dog was in a pack he would not get any attention from a pack member if he acted that way so they don't understand our emotions, but they can understand the tone in which they are said, so you are actually rewarding the scared behavior and not realizing it. Also if you are feeding the dog at a time when he is scared you are again rewarding that behavior.What I would do is start slow, put him in the car but don't turn it on, do this for about a week, keep the time brief, then take him in and start the car but don't go anywhere, ignore scared behavior praise good behavior, keep yourself calm so the dog remains calm, then after that week is over start the car and go down the driveway for a week, and then take it to the street, short trips at first, then go longer and longer,. Stop the car at places that you can have fun with the dog so the dog soon understands that going in the car means something fun is going to happen at the end.

    • the easiest thing to say is to just take her often and she will get used to it. but it isn't completely true. my dog does the same thing every time we go to the vet or groomers. we tried to get him used to car rides but he never did. he starts breathing heavy, barking, and slobbering, and theres no way to shut him up

    • make sure u always stop at a fast food joint no joke... the dog treats they give make the dog excited to get in the carmy dog loves the car. when i open int he runs in. when he sees hes not supposed to b in he cowers in hte back corner so i cant grab him lol

    • Start off very small.Just give her treats when she is NEAR the car, not in it.Progress up to having the doors open and then her sitting inside.Do all this while the car is stationary over a few WEEKS.Once she is comfortable sitting in the car while it is not moving you can progress up to closing the doors and just driving to the end of your driveway and get back out.Repeat this several time over another few weeks making each trip a little longer.Always remember to praise good behaviour.

    • dot make her ride the car, if you wanna go to the vet or park or something take her walking or on bike, some dogs are just like that it like if you or me were scared of cockroacher its some thing natural like phobias

    • some funny dog picture in this blog,konw dog behavior and learn how to draining a dog.Dog Obedience Training Secrets to STOP Your Dog’s Behavior Problems! Some Secrets about Dog Behavior Training. Problem with Dog Obedience Training?You should read this dog behavior training secrets ...