How do I catch a tiny baby bunny who is really fast?

The bunny has other baby bunny friends, bushes to hide under, a burrow that dosen't go far into they ground, and a vast space to run in.

    How do I catch a tiny baby bunny who is really fast?

    The bunny has other baby bunny friends, bushes to hide under, a burrow that dosen't go far into they ground, and a vast space to run in....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I catch a tiny baby bunny who is really fast?...

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    • How do I catch a tiny baby bunny who is really fast?

      How do I catch a tiny baby bunny who is really fast? Other Pet Discussions
      The bunny has other baby bunny friends, bushes to hide under, a burrow that dosen't go far into they ground, and a vast space to run in.

      How do I catch a tiny baby bunny who is really fast?

      How do I catch a tiny baby bunny who is really fast? Other Pet Discussions
    • WEll, I say if it's a wild baby bunny u shouldn't catcch it at all. I think if you want a pet bunny , you should just go to the pet store and buy a bunny there. Bunnies can be hard to catch. Even if you sneak up from the back. I've treid it and it's hard. Just take a few steps or make one loud noise and BOOM their off. well, if you still want to catch one, don't hurt the bunny. GOod luck! ^^

    • I would sugest getting some of his/her favorite food and put it in a cage then sort of give him a little encouragement in the right way when he/she goes in shut the cage and next time you let him out get a leash

    • A pit trap - dig a holes, cover it with twigs, scatter leaves on top, chuck some yummy bunny food in the middle et voila. Other options - box trap - classic cartoon job, box with bunny treat inside propped up on a stick that has a string tied to it. Wait for the bunny, pull the string. Net trap - suspend a net above some bunny food and drop it when the quarry comes for a snack.If the bunny is an infrequent visitor, I recommend the pit trap as it doesn't need you to be there all the time watching it.Of course, for the more creative of us, you could run an electric fence horizontally 1cm or so above the ground and power up when the quarry is in the right vicinity. Industrial strength slow drying glue on a 1m square board could also be entertaining.The above ideas assume that you want said bunny alive and unharmed (if a little surprised).

    • Leave the bunny alone/ sounds like he is wild/so leave him alone!!!!They can live on their own when they are the size of tennis balls! with you chasing(harassing) the rabbit/it sounds like he is okay......leave him alone!!!!!!