How can I make my dog go to the bathroom?

My dog won't go to the bathroom. And when she does, it's in her room or places we won't see it, but when we take her out to go, she only pees or does nothing. We've already tried different dog foods and adjusting her schedule. What else CAN we do?I'm not…

    How can I make my dog go to the bathroom?

    My dog won't go to the bathroom. And when she does, it's in her room or places we won't see it, but when we take her out to go, she only pees or does nothing. We've already tried different dog foods and adjusting her schedule. What else CAN we do?I'm not…...
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    • How can I make my dog go to the bathroom?

      How can I make my dog go to the bathroom? Other Pet Discussions
      My dog won't go to the bathroom. And when she does, it's in her room or places we won't see it, but when we take her out to go, she only pees or does nothing. We've already tried different dog foods and adjusting her schedule. What else CAN we do?I'm not trying to MAKE her go to the bathroom its just that she only goes in her room. We aren't FORCING her to go.

      How can I make my dog go to the bathroom?

      How can I make my dog go to the bathroom? Other Pet Discussions
    • 1st off just like taht othar person said read up on crate training and 2nd which makes me really confused is taht Y whould u try and MAKE ur dog go 2 the bathrooom tahts just crazy just let her go on her own and 2 help u with ur problem get scented puppy pads and train her on those hope this helps

    • Instead of just taking her out to pee and poo, take her for a walk around the block or until she poos. Many dogs need exercise to get things moving. Then clean the house with an enzyme cleaner everywhere she has gone. You may need a black light (also available at pet stores) to get all the spots. Right now the house smells like her bathroom so she uses it. Prolonged crating can cause mental and physical illness and is NOT the answer.

    • This is the advise i normally give out:The thing about potty training is you need to get the timing right to bring your puppy out to go potty outside when he needs to go poddy.Crating your puppy is also very great for potty training. Put her in it when she sleeps at night or when you are gone (the crate should be small b/c if it is big she might go in a corner to pee and poo. Also when you are gone do not be gone for more then an hour b/c little puppy's need to go out to go poddy by how old they are. One month old puppy's must go out to go poddy every hour. Two month old puppy's must go poddy every two hours. and so on.)When you take her out of the crate immediately bring him outside to go poddy. Say go poddy! When she does say good girl and bring her in.After she eats in 15 min bring her outside b/c then is when they probably need to go poddy. Timing is a must. When you see her sniffing the ground or pacing back and forth or starting to squat say "lets go out side!" and bring her out quickly! when she goes outside praise her in a high happy voice.Here is some more things:1. Take him outside (and stay till he's done or a long time has gone by with no results): As soon as he wakes up in the morning Right after his breakfastRight after his lunchRight after his napsRight after taking him out of his crateRight after his dinnerRight after any snacks of much sizeRight before his bedtimeIf he whimpers in the nightWhen he does have a mess. make sure you keep quiet while you clean it up. Just agnore him while you clean it up.Discipline will not help because unless you catch the puppy in the act, he will have no idea what the scolding is for. Your puppy has urinated and defecated hundreds of times before he met you. Mom or the breeder always cleaned it up. Nobody made a fuss before and the pup will not put the punishment, regardless of its form, together with something he has done without incident numerous times before. Anyway it was your fault, not the pup's. If you had been watching, you would have noticed the puppy suddenly walking or running around in circles with his nose down smelling for the perfect spot to go to the bathroom.So when your dog poops or pee's don't get mad. Pick them up and tell them calmly "no". Carry him outside. Push there tail down b/c this will help them stop peeing or pooping. When he poops outside then tell him good boy!.

    • Training a dog . of any age, to go outside is initially very time consuming. that is why so many don't get trained.A dog is a creature of habit.Whatever it does over and over again becomes a habit for the dog.So how do you make going outside a habit?You take it outside every hour until the dog starts showing you in some way that it wants to go outside.How long this takes depends on the dog.I take mine to the same spot outside where he smells the pee. I say '"hurry up" - or some cue wordNow, whenever I say ' Hurry up ", he goes.There may sometimes when dog comes in and pees - especially in the winter_ but you stick to the plan.The plan sometimes fails because owners are in too big a hurry to get inside.Walking fast down a block will also cause a dog to poo/pee.