What is the best way to get a puppy to stop biting?

We have a labradoodle and she is about 13 weeks old. Whenever she gets excited me starts biting. If we were to bring a guest into our house she might hurt them. I right now have a bite mark and soon I will have a bruise. Please help! We have tried…

    What is the best way to get a puppy to stop biting?

    We have a labradoodle and she is about 13 weeks old. Whenever she gets excited me starts biting. If we were to bring a guest into our house she might hurt them. I right now have a bite mark and soon I will have a bruise. Please help! We have tried…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the best way to get a puppy to stop biting?...

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    • What is the best way to get a puppy to stop biting?

      What is the best way to get a puppy to stop biting? Other Pet Discussions
      We have a labradoodle and she is about 13 weeks old. Whenever she gets excited me starts biting. If we were to bring a guest into our house she might hurt them. I right now have a bite mark and soon I will have a bruise. Please help! We have tried tapping it on the nose but it didn't work.

      What is the best way to get a puppy to stop biting?

      What is the best way to get a puppy to stop biting? Other Pet Discussions
    • put her paw in her mouth, and close her jaw onto it until she squeels, you wont have to do it hard just do it till she squeels and say sternly. "NO BITING!"

    • You need to hold her mouth closed and firmly say "NO" making eye contact when you say it. Afterwards walk away from her, and stay away, & dint talk to her either for about 5 min. This will let her know that this behavior will not be tolerated and will end the interaction your were having with her. Biting is a natural instinct however it cannot be tolerated for the very reason you listed. Its not being mean to react in this fashion with her, it is very much the same as a time out for children. If you behave poorly there will be a distasteful consequence. She will get the idea pretty quickly. Good Luck!

    • Yelp. Seriously.Yelping is the universal "ouch." When pups play with other pups and one yelps, they will automatically back off. It's just as affective when you do it to your pup. I've done it with all my pups and I've alway have herders that are prone to nipping. It works like a charm.You might also want to refrain from any type of wresting play with the pup at all. It's cute when they're little but not so cute when they get older. Take him for walks or get into some obediance traning instead.

    • wow. um well dont put her paw in her mouth. thts a little abusive dont u think? i have 15 dogs and they all bite when pups. when they are biting u simply squeal out very lound. like a high pitched tone and she will let go. and then say no bite! hope helped~!

    • don't EVER tap a dog on the nose! it has too many senses in it and it damages them. all puppies nip i have one myself. sometimes with puppies its a way of showing affection. but you need to shout firmly NO and point at it and stare it in the eyes. if it tries to lick your hand or something dont let it. show that your angry. thats how i got my dogs out of it and ive got 8. if they are extremely unruly tap it on the bottom. also get it a teething ring to chew on.