How long does it take for mites to kill off a snake?

Can mites even kill them?If so how do wild snakes survive?I saw little tiny white bugs in my snakes tank, I cleaned both enclosures, boiled all the rocks and the waterbowls that were in the tanks and I don't see anymore of them...But how long does it…

    How long does it take for mites to kill off a snake?

    Can mites even kill them?If so how do wild snakes survive?I saw little tiny white bugs in my snakes tank, I cleaned both enclosures, boiled all the rocks and the waterbowls that were in the tanks and I don't see anymore of them...But how long does it…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How long does it take for mites to kill off a snake?...

    • How long does it take for mites to kill off a snake?

      How long does it take for mites to kill off a snake? Other Pet Discussions
      Can mites even kill them?If so how do wild snakes survive?I saw little tiny white bugs in my snakes tank, I cleaned both enclosures, boiled all the rocks and the waterbowls that were in the tanks and I don't see anymore of them...But how long does it take to kill off a snake and how does wild snakes adapt to the mites in the wild.

      How long does it take for mites to kill off a snake?

      How long does it take for mites to kill off a snake? Other Pet Discussions
    • The white 'mites' in your bedding are not the mites to worry about, though it's not good to have them with your snake.Bake your bedding at 350 degrees F. for an hour before use. Allow it to cool.And snakes in the wild will seek water, and drown the mites they get. Some escape to the nose, and the plague continues, but...So, it's a matter of balance, and nature driving the snake to soak and drown the mites, if its badly infested.In the wild, they naturally take care of themselves by instinct. That changes a bit, when we package them up in a tank.They have little recourse to act on their instincts, and many won't even soak. It's up to us to care for them, in the tiny box we stick them in.If the bedding has mites/insects: treat it.If the snake does - do the same.I hope this has been helpful, and enjoy your pet.

    • Wild snakes can have mites and ticks but I do not believe that it will kill them. They are more of a nuisance . They will go through mud and soak in water to rid themselves of most mites .You will need to change the substrate and disinfect every thing in the cage maybe several times to eradicated the mites . If you have any logs or wooden hides be sure and cook them for 30 minutes in a 200* oven. Mites can get under the bark.Treat the snake by soaking in dawn dish soap and warm water for a few minutes supporting the head above water at all times .

    • I dont think the mites can kill them. I would take all your bedding out and throw it away. Then clean your cage very good and everything in it. Go to a reptile store and buy some product that kills mites. There are alot of different products out there for killing mites off reptiles. I think the snakes just learn to live with them but i wouldnt want them in my house. The stuff works great. I havent had to worry about mites with my 2 snakes , monitor lizard and 10 other lizards