What would you do to commenmorate your deceased cat?

Since she is been with me for whole 8 years, I had decided that not to speak for 8 days - complete slient. I will put her ashes into a small beautifully decorated silver box, and a locket that I can wear it in most of the time.In these 8 days, I will…

    What would you do to commenmorate your deceased cat?

    Since she is been with me for whole 8 years, I had decided that not to speak for 8 days - complete slient. I will put her ashes into a small beautifully decorated silver box, and a locket that I can wear it in most of the time.In these 8 days, I will…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What would you do to commenmorate your deceased cat?...

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    • What would you do to commenmorate your deceased cat?

      What would you do to commenmorate your deceased cat? Other Pet Discussions
      Since she is been with me for whole 8 years, I had decided that not to speak for 8 days - complete slient. I will put her ashes into a small beautifully decorated silver box, and a locket that I can wear it in most of the time.In these 8 days, I will write about her story and my times with her; it's her life that I will write about. Then post it on my website.And that is what I will do.

      What would you do to commenmorate your deceased cat?

      What would you do to commenmorate your deceased cat? Other Pet Discussions
    • I'm so sorry for your loss. If you want to add her name to a dedication list here is a very nice site.http://www.rainbowbridge.com/I lost my dog of 14 years, Boo 2 months ago and this really helped me.

    • I would also do a photo in a nice frame or plaque withan inscription on a it with a few nice words.you could put it in your house maybe in the room it liked to be in.

    • I got together all the photographs of my cat that I could find. I made a photo album that was all pictures of Jasper. Anytime that I started really missing him again, I could open up the photo album and see pages and pages of him.I also blew up one special picture and put in on the wall in my bedroom. He wasn't there to sleep with me anymore, but his picture was there everynight to see before I went to bed.

    • When our cat died, we buried her REALLY deep in the yard and planted a rose bush over her. Now every time it blooms we think of her and it makes us feel better. The roses are beautiful, just like her.

    • Well, Sissy died last December. She was 22. I buried her in my front yard under the window where I can see her. Then I built a flower box on her grave and put an angel kitty yard ornament that I found in the corner of it. I planted all kinds of things including Catnip (somewhat hard to find). Then I put 2 park benches by it so I can sit with her anytime I want or just look out the window and there she is. I understand your loss and am sorry for you. I know it's been 6 months now and Sissy is in my thoughts daily. I've never before had a better friend and wish I could have had another 22 years with her. Each of us grieve differently. Your pain and heartache will pass. Good luck to you.

    • i creamated my cat onyx when she died. and have a really nice onyx box that she's in with a picture of her on the top. she was a good friend i couldn't just stick her in the ground and forget about her.