How can I transfer new snake eggs from the original cage to the incubator?

My corn snake layed 6 eggs about 8 hours ago. I need to transfer them but I don't know how to. Can I pick them up with my hands? Are they super duper delicate? How do you recommend transferring them????I HAVE SEVERAL QUESTIONS LIKE THIS... PLEASE CHECK…

    How can I transfer new snake eggs from the original cage to the incubator?

    My corn snake layed 6 eggs about 8 hours ago. I need to transfer them but I don't know how to. Can I pick them up with my hands? Are they super duper delicate? How do you recommend transferring them????I HAVE SEVERAL QUESTIONS LIKE THIS... PLEASE CHECK…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I transfer new snake eggs from the original cage to the incubator?...

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    • How can I transfer new snake eggs from the original cage to the incubator?

      How can I transfer new snake eggs from the original cage to the incubator? Other Pet Discussions
      My corn snake layed 6 eggs about 8 hours ago. I need to transfer them but I don't know how to. Can I pick them up with my hands? Are they super duper delicate? How do you recommend transferring them????I HAVE SEVERAL QUESTIONS LIKE THIS... PLEASE CHECK THEM OUT IF YOU ARE KNOWLEDGEABLE ABOUT THE SUBJECT.Thanks.

      How can I transfer new snake eggs from the original cage to the incubator?

      How can I transfer new snake eggs from the original cage to the incubator? Other Pet Discussions
    • can move them. They are kinda like a soft leathery, but you still need to be careful as to pick them up and keep them as still as possible and place them the exact way that you picked them up. they may be stuck to each other or the surface that she laid them on. they do not need to be separate, but if you see what looks like an yellowish looking egg then those are slugs and are no good.those will need tp be pulled away,(normally she will push these off to the side because she knows they are bad). if they stuck to the surface where she laid them, you can pull on them very gently from one side or the other kinda like pealing off a sticker without tearing it, just do it slowly so when they come free you dont jerk them around too much. then just place them in a container and place the somewhere where the temps stay between 80-84 degrees and in 55-60 days you should start seeing them pip.