How can I keep my neighbors dog from crapping in my yard?

We have asked our neighbor to keep his <a href="">bulldog</a> on a leash because it's using our yard as a toilet, but he still lets it roam in our yard to crap. My boyfriend has gone over to his house and made him come out and pick it up, we have thrown it into his…

    How can I keep my neighbors dog from crapping in my yard?

    We have asked our neighbor to keep his <a href="">bulldog</a> on a leash because it's using our yard as a toilet, but he still lets it roam in our yard to crap. My boyfriend has gone over to his house and made him come out and pick it up, we have thrown it into his…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I keep my neighbors dog from crapping in my yard?...

    • How can I keep my neighbors dog from crapping in my yard?

      How can I keep my neighbors dog from crapping in my yard? Other Pet Discussions
      We have asked our neighbor to keep his bulldog on a leash because it's using our yard as a toilet, but he still lets it roam in our yard to crap. My boyfriend has gone over to his house and made him come out and pick it up, we have thrown it into his yard, and he doesn't seem to care. I hate to call the city on him, but what other choice do I have? I don't have pets of my own, and I keep my yard nice.

      How can I keep my neighbors dog from crapping in my yard?

      How can I keep my neighbors dog from crapping in my yard? Other Pet Discussions
    • I know it sucks to have to call the authorities, but if the owner is not picking up after his dog, he deserves to be fined. A lot of states have a leash law requiring dogs to be kept on a leash if they do not have a fenced yard. Check to see if your state does. At the very least, he may be fined for allowing his dog to defecate on someone else's property and not picking it up. It can become a health hazard.

    • I have five dogs & pick up all their poop from our yard. I know how you feel however because I have a renter that lets his dog poop all over. We have to walk by his house to get to the trash & we were constantly stepping in it. I bought him a pooper scooper & told him he needed to use it. I suggest buying one for your neighbor, brining it to him & in a neighborly way tell him simply that you have a problem with his dog doing his duties in your yard & the owner leaving it there. It's his responsibility to clean it up not yours. But also remember it's not the dogs fault. If it doesn't work I'd call the town & complain. Does your local newspaper have a section where people can write in letters of concern & such? If so write on & without naming names of the people express it with your location so everyone can see & maybe the neighbor will be shamed into cleaning up after his/her pet.

    • ok heres what i would do. I would water your lawn constantly take and electrical socket and stick it in the water puddle and when the dog poos or even walks on your yard instant cell block 5 next to me is open

    • I know what you mean. I have a neighbor who doesn't like to clean up after her dog, and so she purposely puts him on our yard (the dog is huge! Therefore, the crap is large). If you want a soultion from your kitchen, make garlic and onion juices and spread them on your yard. A simpler solution is go to a nearby pet supply store and like, there's a spray that keeps animals off your yard. If all fails... well, I doubt it will, you can sue your neighbor (I think. I advise you to talk to a professional first) because there's a leash law, and no one acan trespass your property. Hope this helps. I also read some of the answers up there. I think they're bad ideas, becauseyour neighbor might become very angry... and you know. If being nice to him doesn't work... then I strongly advise you NOT to do those mean things such as smearing poop all over his property. I thought the mailbox one was sort of clever, but it might make bitter, your relationship with your neighbor. And that can;t be good, if you guys become enemies. Your neighbor issue might become worse than dog poop.

    • call the city see if it has a leash law - if it does get a video camera or a digital camera and take pictures of the offending animal off its leash and on your property - immediatly call the police and report it and show them the pictures (make sure your date & taime are set correctly to display on your pictures - your neighbor will get a ticket - the fines can add up fast!!!!My uncle did this after about 2 weeks of every day the fines were up over $1500 and the neighbor was required to appear in court given 3 days in jail and informed if it ever happened again the animal would be destroyed - personally it was the owner not the dog who needed to be put down but still!!!also you could buy a dog whistle and when the dog step onto your yard blow your little heart out!!! - or a fog horn works well too - then the neighbor knows how annoying it is - if they call the cops on the fog horn - then you have the reason - their dog was off his leash and coming into your yard twords you and you were afriad you used the horn to scare the dog away - practice saying "i was afraid for my life!" lol

    • Call animal control, if your town has a leash law, it'll get really expensive for your neighbor to let his dog use your yard, or bag it upb 7 put it on his porch, preferably where he'll step in it.

    • Oh Good answers kids.......geez it's not the dogs fault it's the owners.My first thought was pick it up & put it on his steps so he steps in it , that might give him a hint your really sick of it lol.If you call the animal control in your area the guy will get a hefty fine, sometimes when they have to dig into their wallet they see things differantly. Every time the dog does it make a call. Some Cities will increase the fine with each new offence. If this doesn't help snag the dog up, put it in your garage and call Animal Control for a stray dog : )The man doesn't seem to be to responcible,doesn't sound like he deserves a pet.