What causes a dog to have blood in there stool?

The dogs is only one year old. I have raised alot of dogs but have never seen blood in the stool.The Dog is a female and she had all her shots! She's passed the Parvo stage and she is wormed once a month.

    What causes a dog to have blood in there stool?

    The dogs is only one year old. I have raised alot of dogs but have never seen blood in the stool.The Dog is a female and she had all her shots! She's passed the Parvo stage and she is wormed once a month....
    Other Pet Discussions : What causes a dog to have blood in there stool?...

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    • What causes a dog to have blood in there stool?

      What causes a dog to have blood in there stool? Other Pet Discussions
      The dogs is only one year old. I have raised alot of dogs but have never seen blood in the stool.The Dog is a female and she had all her shots! She's passed the Parvo stage and she is wormed once a month.

      What causes a dog to have blood in there stool?

      What causes a dog to have blood in there stool? Other Pet Discussions
    • It could be something seriously wrong, so if you can afford a vet, please take your dog to one. Also if your dog has eaten any bones, this would cause bleeding when the splintered bones come out in his stool.

    • i don't know about dogs but if a human is experincing blood in the stool it usually means internal bleeding and or infection. i suggest if the ammount of blood is a signifigant amount get him to the nearest pet hospital. but if the blood is barly noticeable then i agree it is most likely from worms or a small tear in the anus do to straining. if it continues i would consult a vet. good luck

    • PARVOVIRUS causes blood in the stool. If it is at that point, and it is Parvo, your dog may not live much longer. It is seriously contagious to other dogs and especially puppies. Has your dog been vaccinated against this disease? It could be something else, but you should get it to a vet QUICKLY. (Parvo has a very bad odor that is recognisable to someone who has seen it before.) Good Luck.

    • ANY time blood is present in stool,urine,or vomit,you need to contact a vet ASAP.The list is long of possible causes,and some could be deadly if not dealt with in a very timely manner.Anything from parvo,to worms,to a bowel obstruction or tear could be the problem.Being in heat does not cause blood to be present in a dogs stool.It may be mixed in with urine,but if it's in the stool it is not because of heat.

    • if it's a girl dog she's in heat or pregnant my bet is in heat though (get her some action or keep her in one room or u'll have blood everywhere) if it's a boy get him to a vat it could be worms.