What is the best inexpensive pet for a 10 year old to take care of and enjoy?

Note:Mom is allergic to that stuff thats on dogs and cats.mom is not allergic to birds or rabbits.

    What is the best inexpensive pet for a 10 year old to take care of and enjoy?

    Note:Mom is allergic to that stuff thats on dogs and cats.mom is not allergic to birds or rabbits....
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the best inexpensive pet for a 10 year old to take care of and enjoy?...

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    • What is the best inexpensive pet for a 10 year old to take care of and enjoy?

      What is the best inexpensive pet for a 10 year old to take care of and enjoy? Other Pet Discussions
      Note:Mom is allergic to that stuff thats on dogs and cats.mom is not allergic to birds or rabbits.

      What is the best inexpensive pet for a 10 year old to take care of and enjoy?

      What is the best inexpensive pet for a 10 year old to take care of and enjoy? Other Pet Discussions
    • Reptiles are very difficult to take care of properly. they are not the best for children (plus they can carry salmonella).Is mom allergic to guinae pigs or rabbits. These can make nice interactive pets. Or how about a budgie. These pets are cheap to purchase, but remember--even these little guys need us to take care of them if they get sick--which means vet fees. Also there are fees for proper housing, diet and toys.

    • Allergy to dander, huh?how about one of those weird hairless domestic rats. my friend had one. They are fairly social, easy to care for, and they have personality.Or fish?

    • beta fish...they don't eat too often...like every other third day, so if he/she forgets, it won't die right away. or get a couple of those neon fish in a 10 gallon tank, with a "cleaner" fish and a filter. all he/she would have to do is feed them.if mom is allergic to cats/dogs, it may be advisable to stay clear of animals with fur or feathers (like hamsters, fenches, etc)--just to be on the safe side.snakes are pretty cool...little, harmless, snake...eats crickets...frogs are cool, but they can get pretty smelly if he/she doesn't clean cage and my frog, Zebediah-white's tree frog, was a pig and i had to get llike 100 crickets every week! plus they require a maintained temp. environment for different times of the year...i had to do a lot of research b/c pet store workers don't know everything about the pets they sell.good luck. God bless.

    • Parakets are beautiful and sing. But fish are cheaper. Set up for animals like this are expensive to start but fish are fairly cheap. And even if you forget to feed them, they live up to a week...without food. But i prefer birds because they sing..

    • African dwarf frogs. Small, live longer than fish, no possible allergies, +easy to take care of. You can get them from pet stores, and there's a company that sells them, probably online. When I got mine however, it was through the mail (the mid '90s).http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_dwarf_frog

    • Hi I've had (or my kids have had) almost every small pet around. Starting with goldfish, which are easy to replace a dead one without notice, to ferrets. which are amazing pets but probably not ideal for a 10 year old.We had hamsters, not reccomended because they are often quite crabby and tend to bite and sleep during the day.Gerbils, also sleep during the day chew constantly and love to run in their wheels. They aren't big on being you child's buddy.Mice, very cute but stinky urine smell and if you don't get same sex pairs they breed very often.Guinea pigs are ok, but a bit fragile and make a wide range of sounds. Being bigger, they need their cage cleaned quite often.Birds like budgies and canaries are pretty, and nice to listen to but are a mess to clean up after. Their feathers, seeds and other such things can end up all over.Pet rats are full of personality, don't bite and are easy to take care of. It is best to get 2 rats, they are very social. Rats do need to spend time with their human outside the cage. They are kind of like little dogs. They have no odor, but their cage must be kept clean. If allergies are a problem, hairless rats would be good. I prefer the furry rats; all that pink skin makes me want to put sweaters on them.The other answers are right about reptiles and amphibians having salmonella, Plus you just can't really play with a fish.I do hope you look into it and see what great pets rats are. If you get a pair they will take over your heart!

    • you might want to consider a packman frog its large enough to hold, fun to watch eat,easy to take care of and they are fairly durable so if accidentally dropped it should be find. they come in different patterns such as albino. also their easily found at a local pet shop and not to expensive. great starter http://www.azootoyou.com/files/Giant_pixie_frog_best_04.jpgalso hear is a care sheet http://www.wnyherp.org/care-sheets/amphibians/pac-man-frog.php

    • probably a goldfish because they require very little attention and cost for setting up the tank / bowel is very smallbirds are noisey, little fur ball animals stink and you'll take care of them

    • I would say to go with a rat. They make great pets and hardly bite, mine like to give kisses. They are usually easy to handle and tend to like to ride on your shoulder around the house. Also they dont cost much to buy and care for. good luck.

    • I have a 7 year-old daughter and a 10 year-old step-daughter, and they have several pets. They have rabbits (which they show), a guinea pig, hermit crabs, and 2 parakeets. All are easy to take care of, and don't bother anyone's allergies.

    • first ask what kind of animal they want. let them know their options...as for nondander animalssmall rodent-Chinchillas are small very rambunctious animals. they are skittish when you first buy one but if you are patient they will let you hold them and play with them for hours. you really need to know your kid on this onecat-the rex!! they are really cool and arent completley hairless. they have a velvety soft thin coat and you dont have to worry about having an outdoor cat they like to stay inside mostlydog- hairless dogs are out there too. poodles dont have dander at all. you can get them in different sizes and even mix another type of dog with a poodle to decrease danderlizard snake any reptile-but that can be hard to manage in the begning and you need to buy a good amount of products and habitat stuff. after you get the hang of it though they are wonderful pets