What are the chances of a male bengal cat spraying?

i am getting a bengal kitten male, but i dont want to get him nuetered. it will be the only cat in the house and will be an indoor cat, what are the chances of him spraying?are females alot less likely to spray? i really dont want to get the cat fixed.

    What are the chances of a male bengal cat spraying?

    i am getting a bengal kitten male, but i dont want to get him nuetered. it will be the only cat in the house and will be an indoor cat, what are the chances of him spraying?are females alot less likely to spray? i really dont want to get the cat fixed....
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    • What are the chances of a male bengal cat spraying?

      What are the chances of a male bengal cat spraying? Other Pet Discussions
      i am getting a bengal kitten male, but i dont want to get him nuetered. it will be the only cat in the house and will be an indoor cat, what are the chances of him spraying?are females alot less likely to spray? i really dont want to get the cat fixed.

      What are the chances of a male bengal cat spraying?

      What are the chances of a male bengal cat spraying? Other Pet Discussions
    • Hi there...if you leave a cat unaltered (especially Bengals) they will spray--guaranteed. You are fighting against hormonal urges that necessitate the spraying habits. Any cat who begins to spray and then is neutered long afterwards will become habitual...it will be very difficult to cease the spraying habit. Also unaltered males tend to be much more aggressive and quite difficult to manage as they are not friendly. An only cat who is kept indoors does not guarantee spraying will not occur. If there's any stress in the home or changes that he finds is threatening this will induce territorial behaviours which is spraying. Any vet can confirm these facts. More on spraying behaviours: http://www.cat-world.com.au/FelineSpraying.htmUnaltered females will spray as well. It isn't as common, however with Bengals it is more than the average domestic cat. Females spray while in estrus to signal other cats they are ready to mate. Bengals have loud meows so when a female comes into estrus are very loud howlers compared to most domestic cats. More on female cats who can spray: http://home.ivillage.com/pets/cats/0,,2j1z,00.htmlFor more reasons why unneutered and unspayed cats are more prone to problems: http://moggycat13.tripod.com/id66.html

    • Unfortunately all unaltered males will spray and if you wait too long to neuter them, altered males will still spray, but it doesn't smell quite as bad. The females I've had in the past didn't spray, but that could have been luck. Most of my cats have been neuterd males.

    • Getting any male cat an not getting it desexed, will result in you having one smelly house. Sometimes even female cats spray. The only way to stop this is to get them desexed.Desexing not only prevents spraying, it also helps to prevent many diseases which can kill your cat later in life. Testicular cancer, breast cancer, many cancers and other diseases of the urinary tract, prostrate cancer, just to name a few. What happens if your cat gets out by accident? This is likely to happen if you get a non desexed animal as they will be very tricky and try to escape so they can go out looking for mates. How will you feel if this happens and your cat gets hit by a car, gets into a fight with another male cat or even gets a female cat pregnant? Any babies your male cat would father would most likely either be killed on the street or taken to the pound to be put down. It only takes a few minutes for the cats to do their thing.What are your reasons for not wanting to get him nuetered?There is no type of cat you can get whcih will not spray if you don't get it nuetered. Good luck anyway!