What is a good pet that requires little work?

A pet that you don't have to buy crickets for, rarely clean the cage/tank, and can take out and hold once in a while? I love reptiles, but it seems the only ones that don't eat crickets are turtles, but they seem hard to take care of. I mean a pet like a…

    What is a good pet that requires little work?

    A pet that you don't have to buy crickets for, rarely clean the cage/tank, and can take out and hold once in a while? I love reptiles, but it seems the only ones that don't eat crickets are turtles, but they seem hard to take care of. I mean a pet like a…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is a good pet that requires little work?...

    • What is a good pet that requires little work?

      What is a good pet that requires little work? Other Pet Discussions
      A pet that you don't have to buy crickets for, rarely clean the cage/tank, and can take out and hold once in a while? I love reptiles, but it seems the only ones that don't eat crickets are turtles, but they seem hard to take care of. I mean a pet like a rat, but that the cage can be cleaned less often.

      What is a good pet that requires little work?

      What is a good pet that requires little work? Other Pet Discussions
    • How about a rock, or a stuffed animal. You could get a Nintendo DS and get one of those pets on that.All animals need a certain amount of looking after. If you feel like this now, in a couple of months any pet will probably be a nuisance to you.

    • Try a snake,they only need to be fed once a month,so they cage really only needs to be cleaned once a month,and when they get big enough they will eat rats,even rabbits,neither one is a cricket.

    • i would get a cat[i already have one] they are so easy to take care of!!!! you just put them in a litter box and they sniff and use the restroom in it!!! you have to clean it out about 2 a week. it isnt hard. just go to google or ask.com and type in facts about cats or how do i take care of catsthat sould help you so much

    • I was actually going to suggest a rat. You should really only have to clean the cage about once a week. They require little food. However, you should always have more then one. They are very social and they need to have a buddy. So, I own rats and that's the one I would go with.

    • i was going to suggest fish, but you really can't hold them without killing them.sorry, but i don't think such a pet exists. you need to love and care for one regularly since it is entirely dependent on you; that's what "domesticated" means.

    • There may not be a suitable pet for you if you're not willing to spend time and attention with it. Living things shouldn't be something which you can take off of the shelf for a while and then put away to ignore when you're through. A responsible pet owner is willing to meet the needs of his or her pet all the time, and if not then It's not fair to the pet.

    • Will, the next best small creature besides rats are mice. But they require a while of bonding after all of that you have your self a minature rat, bur they are not as smart and never are as integelant as rats.

    • Cat's were deemed the easiest pet to own. That is why they are popular. They don't bark, will use a cat box rather than eliminate all over the house. Cut or remove claws so the furniture isn't clawed. Although I have cats and none have ever clawed the furniture. They sleep 95% of the time and most do well on cheep Wal Mart kitty food. They give children something to love and they are loyal pets.

    • Snakes! They only eat weekly or so and mice can simply be stored in a freezer. They do need daily water changing and droppings MUST be removed. But the actual tank can be cleaned monthly or less. Most snakes can get pretty docile, but in order for that to happer, you must handle them regularly. I suggest you read about ball pythons.There are also vegetarian lizards like uros and omnivorous ones that don't necessarily need live food like beardies or blue tongue skinks. These two NEED daily fresh veggies thoigh, so are a bit more challenging. Carnivorous lizards like leopard geckos also have canned food, and with some work can be transfered onto it.

    • don't buy hermit crabs as a low maintenance pet you'd have to change the fresh and saltwater bowls daily, clean the food bowl at least every 2 days (most commercial made for them is bad for them), check for poop daily, make sure the temperature's right, make sure the humidity's right and a bunch of other stuff