How do I make two cats get along without fighting?

I have a grown cat. He's a very jealous cat and its hard for him to get use to things. I have a dog and till this day they still haven't gotten a lot and I've had them for a long time. Anyway, I found a baby kitten, a few months old, like a week ago and…

    How do I make two cats get along without fighting?

    I have a grown cat. He's a very jealous cat and its hard for him to get use to things. I have a dog and till this day they still haven't gotten a lot and I've had them for a long time. Anyway, I found a baby kitten, a few months old, like a week ago and…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I make two cats get along without fighting?...

    • How do I make two cats get along without fighting?

      How do I make two cats get along without fighting? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a grown cat. He's a very jealous cat and its hard for him to get use to things. I have a dog and till this day they still haven't gotten a lot and I've had them for a long time. Anyway, I found a baby kitten, a few months old, like a week ago and I have to lock the grown cat up in order for the kitten to explore the house. Is there anyway the cats can just walk around and not get into any fights.

      How do I make two cats get along without fighting?

      How do I make two cats get along without fighting? Other Pet Discussions
    • Is your male cat neutered. If so, it will be easier to introduce them. It will take a while for your cat to get used to the new one. Just introduce them slowly, let them sniff each other. If there is just a little hissing going on, don't worry that is normal. If the older cat actually all out attacks the younger one then you will need to keep them at a distance until the older one can accept the other.

    • Your grown cat sounds like he is very territorial. He is the alpha cat and will not tolerate new beings. The kitten and grown cat must not have direct interaction for I fear the grown cat will pick a fight with the younger inexperienced kitten. Try letting them smell each other. Since the grown cat believes he is the alpha cat, put him where he is most comfortable. Then on the other side of the door put the kitten. please watch what happens. Stay to supervise. try this each day then once the grown cat has not hissed or growled at the kitten then it is safer to let them interact in a non-violent way. Also stay to supervise.

    • If you have a grown cat, then you should know that you can't make a cat do anything. Don't lock the cat up. Speaking from experience, the best thing you can do is to let them be. You'll have to endure the hissing & growling & all that, but within a week or two they should get used to each other.

    • It may take some patience on your part, but it can be done. Take a look at They have an excellent article in "Cat Care" on "How to Introduce the New Kitten/Cat to Your Cat." Helpful!