What is the best way to get rid of fleas on a kitten?

I have a baby kitten and I am not sure how old he is but he looks like he is too young for any products. Any suggestions?

    What is the best way to get rid of fleas on a kitten?

    I have a baby kitten and I am not sure how old he is but he looks like he is too young for any products. Any suggestions?...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the best way to get rid of fleas on a kitten?...

    • What is the best way to get rid of fleas on a kitten?

      What is the best way to get rid of fleas on a kitten? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a baby kitten and I am not sure how old he is but he looks like he is too young for any products. Any suggestions?

      What is the best way to get rid of fleas on a kitten?

      What is the best way to get rid of fleas on a kitten? Other Pet Discussions
    • Bathe in warm water with a tiny bit of soap in it to trap the fleas. Also comb with a damp flea comb, dunking it in a glass to drown the fleas.Don't forget to treat your home, as long as fleas are hatching in your carpet you won't be able to keep them off your kitten. If you board the kitten overnight you can safely flea-bomb your home, and vacuum like mad....

    • Take no notice of 'swamp4jeff', that doesn't work' I tried it with my wife's cat, and it still had fleas on it's body for days after. I had to bury it in the end, and my wife wasn't very amused either.

    • Mild soap baby shampoo works great.Wash the kitten with a warm wash cloth,stoke him like his mother would (that way he don't get freaked out to bad)Rinse him well the same way.Be sure to keep him very warm because kittens under 8 weeks can not regulate their body temp.Maybe a heating pad on the lowest setting under his blankets will help.(dont lay directly on the pad)

    • Use a flea comb and comb the fleas and flea dirt off.A flea comb have teeth that are close together so they can catch the fleas. Put the fleas in a zip lock bag that has a cotton ball dipped in alcohol in it. The fleas will die.You can also use a lice comb from a drug store. Works the same way but is probably a lot cheaper.

    • You need lemon juice and dish washing soap. Mix it and lather the kitty up. Make sure you start at the neck and work your way down the fleas are going to going to go straight for your kittens face. You have to pull them off,pinch them between your fingers as hard as you can and rinse them down the drain. If you let them go they'll jump right back on her and you. Good luck..

    • NEVER ever use a flea collar even when kitten is bigger - they have been linked to the deaths of many cats and dogs....brush with a flea comb and have sticky tape near by to stick any fleas on to...since fleas can give cats/kittens worms you need to deworm the kitten, which can be done by a vet with STRONGID at 6 weeks, I would assume he/she is at least 6 weeks, you really should get the kitten vet checked and vaccinated anyhow and they can tell you his age.vaccume lots and wash any beddingdont let kitten out or it will get fleas again, plus good owners know that indoor only cats live longer healthier lives.

    • I have had several bouts of flea infestations in my house even though my cats don't go outside. The vet recommended a product called Septrol. (I think, it was a few years ago.) Armed with the flea comb, a bowl of water with a few drops of dish detergent floating on top, to drown the fleas, a light colored sheet so you can see them when they jump off, I groomed the cats every day or so, vacuumed and sprayed the house, under furniture, along baseboards, in quiet spaces. Two applications were usually enough so the cats weren't exposed to a lot of chemicals, it is safe to use in the house with animals and small children and although the long-hair wasn't crazy about the flea comb, the others loved it! Unfortunately it goes along with the commitment of having a pet... looking after it. Tape worms are carried by flea larvae. Once you get the fleas under control, talk to a vet about tape worms.