How long does it take for rice to work to get rid of dogs diaherra?

We are watching a friends dog, while he is overseas. She is a tiny Minpin and has had the runs since Boxing day. We started her on rice yesterday afternoon, but all last night she still had the runs. How long does it take to work and what else can we do…

    How long does it take for rice to work to get rid of dogs diaherra?

    We are watching a friends dog, while he is overseas. She is a tiny Minpin and has had the runs since Boxing day. We started her on rice yesterday afternoon, but all last night she still had the runs. How long does it take to work and what else can we do…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How long does it take for rice to work to get rid of dogs diaherra?...

    • How long does it take for rice to work to get rid of dogs diaherra?

      How long does it take for rice to work to get rid of dogs diaherra? Other Pet Discussions
      We are watching a friends dog, while he is overseas. She is a tiny Minpin and has had the runs since Boxing day. We started her on rice yesterday afternoon, but all last night she still had the runs. How long does it take to work and what else can we do to help her?Her vet is on holidays till the 4th, and our only other option is taking her to an animal hosptial but that will cost an arm and a leg.

      How long does it take for rice to work to get rid of dogs diaherra?

      How long does it take for rice to work to get rid of dogs diaherra? Other Pet Discussions
    • There are plenty of vets you can go to without going to an emergency one. Make some calls, explain that your vet is away, then drop off a fecal sample. You're treating the symptom only, not the cause

    • Really your best bet is a visit to the vet. Others can speculate on reasons and treatments fpr her symptoms, but the only one that can tell you for sure what is wrong is a vet. You have taken on the responsibility of providing care for someone elses animal, if something bad were to happen to her no amount of money would be able take away the guilt you would feel for not taking her in.I could be so many things: nerves, the change in diet (even a change in water can irritate tummies), or an existing problem like a parasite. Diarrhea may lead to the loss of fluids in the body. And that can be a near fatal condition for your dog. It is only right to provide your dog the right care and proper attention, especially if it is suffering. It is very important to drop by your veterinarian for a consultation if your dog does not seem to respond to any of the dog diarrhea treatments that you tried. If your dog's condition is critical, a visit to the vet can save your dog's health.Give her fresh and clean water at all times. Since diarrhea makes them dehydrate rather fast, you should be able to sustain their water supply. You can add pro-biotic powder to their water to help improve their condition. Water therapy is very crucial during the first two days of their diarrhea attack. The next step is really calling the vet, if this condition has persisted beyond two days - she needs to go in. Call around there is a vet in the area that can assist you while her regular vet is on holiday. Best of Luck!

    • FOUR days of diarrhea requires a trip to the vet's. YOU took on the responsibility of the dog, so now you are responsible for it's health. The dog cannot go for 5 more days without treatment. Certainly your friend spoke to his vet before leaving? When my dogs are left under the care of someone, I leave a note with the vet, stating who is able to have my dog treated while I'm gone, and I will pay the bill when I get back. Happened to me last December when we went out of state.

    • Don't waste the money going to an outrageous animal hospital for something so simple. It is probably nerves. Rice is a good gentle food for her and I would add chicken. Try googling different methods to stop her diarrhea. I know Pepto Bismol helps some.

    • To prevent food-related diarrhea, don't give your dog anything that's gone bad (contrary to popular belief, dog stomachs aren't "tougher" than ours). Keep his diet relatively steady; a lot of variety can cause gastrointestinal upset. And of course, keep the trash off-limits.

    • To treat stomache problems:1. Total fast (except water) for 24 hours. Seriously.2. lamb and rice or beef and rice in small quantities.If you do not see a very large improvement by the end of the 2nd day, time for a call to a vet.When we leave the farm in a caretaker's hands, the rule is we will pay for the vet in any case. We choose our caretakers for their experience and ability to determine when it is time to call in the experts.