How can I stop my new kitten from biting me and everything else?

He bites my arm, hand and cords behind the tv and computer, how can I stop him. Right now I just scald him and put him in a different room and shut the door, like a time out. Anything else I can do?

    How can I stop my new kitten from biting me and everything else?

    He bites my arm, hand and cords behind the tv and computer, how can I stop him. Right now I just scald him and put him in a different room and shut the door, like a time out. Anything else I can do?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I stop my new kitten from biting me and everything else?...

    • How can I stop my new kitten from biting me and everything else?

      How can I stop my new kitten from biting me and everything else? Other Pet Discussions
      He bites my arm, hand and cords behind the tv and computer, how can I stop him. Right now I just scald him and put him in a different room and shut the door, like a time out. Anything else I can do?

      How can I stop my new kitten from biting me and everything else?

      How can I stop my new kitten from biting me and everything else? Other Pet Discussions
    • it is just a kitten - it is the eqivalent of a child - and as we all know, children growing up are always curious about everything and they just want to play play play! SO, let the kitten play. Just keep the things that are breakable (figurines, plates, cups, etc) or dangerous (cords) away. When the cat is playing in the same room as you, just do your thing and let the cat play. But just keep a close watch on the cat in case it starts biting on the cords and stuff. And yes, it is probably going thru teething, which is the explanation for biting everything - my kitty likes to bite my fingers too ..and toes.. lol. Its painful but i understand that its going thru teething. Anyway, don't shoo the cat away or spray water, like what people recommended! Its just a baby kitten for heaven's sakes! When it gets older, it won't even want to play with you anymore. RIght now is the time when your cat is the cutest cuz it'll be pretty active. It'll jump and pounce on everything but let it play =)

    • scolding and timeout may not be effective if he's very young and can't mentally process it (consider the mental difference between a 3-month-old baby and 3-yr-old child). kittens are bundles of energy and do bite as a form of play, it needs another kitten (its same size) to play with. you can buy a glove that has little toys on the fingertips for the cat to play with and you won't feel it biting. also if you yelp in pain it startles him and lets him know that bite was not welcome (this works cat- to-cat and can work human-to-cat). i agree with the other person about water, i have a child's watergun that i spritz my cats with and they learn right quick about jumping on or scratching furniture (but don't use it around the power cords). he could get a fatal shock, push the cords securely behind furniture and give him toys with a variety of textures to chew on, also rub some of them with catnip to attract his chewing. but mainly, he needs attention and companionship--you or another kitty. consider kids who act up, instead of yelling at them, their behavior improves when they get positive attention and quality time; same for animals.

    • if the kitten is really small probably is because he/she wants to play but umm its something u have to put up wit and i never diid that water spray thing i just think its not right the kitten would stop bitting on his/her own

    • Instead of using harsh words and a spray bottle (which will only make the kitten scared of you) you should give him alternatives. Ball up a sock and put catnip in it. get it a squeaky toy. anything that it loves to play with.