What is the funniest thing that your pet does?

You have heard this I am sure, but he is so cute when he does it. He will stop wherever he wants. If he does not want to move, he won't. We visit his grandma next door, and he will not budge when it is time to leave. He is kinda little and sooooooooo…

    What is the funniest thing that your pet does?

    You have heard this I am sure, but he is so cute when he does it. He will stop wherever he wants. If he does not want to move, he won't. We visit his grandma next door, and he will not budge when it is time to leave. He is kinda little and sooooooooo…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the funniest thing that your pet does?...

    • What is the funniest thing that your pet does?

      What is the funniest thing that your pet does? Other Pet Discussions
      You have heard this I am sure, but he is so cute when he does it. He will stop wherever he wants. If he does not want to move, he won't. We visit his grandma next door, and he will not budge when it is time to leave. He is kinda little and sooooooooo cute. Gotta love him.What is funny with your pet?

      What is the funniest thing that your pet does?

      What is the funniest thing that your pet does? Other Pet Discussions
    • when i take my dog for a walk,if he doesn't want to go any further he collapses on the ground and he won't get up until i turn round to go home.he also burps loudly but tends to come up to your face when he does it,but i still love him

    • Gracie, our 11 week old pit bull is crazy! She will sit and watch her shadow for a min, then she will get ready, then pounce on it, then look around dazed, when it moves away from her. She also will just sit down in the middle of the floor when we go to my brother in laws house and not budge, or play with her sister, but when we are home and he brigns her sister over to our house, Gracie will want ot play, and her sister just sits. its funny.

    • If my Newfoundland is walking behind someone inside the house, and they stop in a doorway or hall and he wants to pass by..... he will lift his front right leg and kick them in the back of the knee. If after a few times, he gets no results... he headbutts them in the butt.... lol... then they have no option but move because he's 197 lbs.Ro

    • My 19 year old Yorkie is toothless except for her protruding snaggle tooth but that doesn't stop her from chasing the cats and biting down on their tails. As the cats wiggle away their tails slip out of Lulu's mouth because of lack of grip. It is very funny to watch. At times she tries to bite their necks and because the cats feel no pain they even like the message action, that is not her intent though, she gives up the fight and walks away.

    • i can't think of anything funny about my cat right off the top of my head, but my brother and sister-in-law have a cat and a dog. well, the babies room in their house is right off the dining room, and it has a futon in it. whenever the futon is layed out flat, the cat runs under it and the dog, which is kind of a medium size, will get under the futon with the cat and wait for her to run out. i've never seen a dog do that before and it's one of the funniest things i've ever seen.

    • I had a dog that I would throw a ball for at a park that had a stream. She'd catch the ball then go into the stream to cool off, sit down, set the ball down, and get a drink. The ball would start to go downstream. She'd stare at it for a little bit until she realized it was getting away... it was as if she just couldn't believe it was getting away and it took her a moment to register what was happening. She'd go after it, pick it up and then sit down in the water again and do the same thing all over again....well, it was pretty funny when we were watching her...she did it every time. Guess you had to be there!

    • My dog Juliet, she used to run laps at the park with those on the track team. And she used to always beat them every time. People watched and cheered my dogs name, and the track team used to get so mad.

    • My hamster goes round in her wheel so fast that when she stops she nearly does a loop the loop. That's quite funny. Shes also very nosey and will come up to the side of her cage to investigate any noise or movement.