What do you do when you regret getting a third dog?

My daughter wanted a puppy (they were giving them away free at the farmer's market) and I caved. Now we have 3 big dogs because the small puppy is now a big chocolate lab. I love the dog, but it is so much to handle, we already have 2 collies. Is…

    What do you do when you regret getting a third dog?

    My daughter wanted a puppy (they were giving them away free at the farmer's market) and I caved. Now we have 3 big dogs because the small puppy is now a big chocolate lab. I love the dog, but it is so much to handle, we already have 2 collies. Is…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What do you do when you regret getting a third dog?...

    • What do you do when you regret getting a third dog?

      What do you do when you regret getting a third dog? Other Pet Discussions
      My daughter wanted a puppy (they were giving them away free at the farmer's market) and I caved. Now we have 3 big dogs because the small puppy is now a big chocolate lab. I love the dog, but it is so much to handle, we already have 2 collies. Is there any advice on how to handle this regret? I sometimes wish she would run away and find another family.

      What do you do when you regret getting a third dog?

      What do you do when you regret getting a third dog? Other Pet Discussions
    • From experience, my friend had a lab puppy and they are soo crazy! I suggest you send them to doggy training school. It worked for my friend and now her dogs dont get into the trash or do their business everywhere! It works trust me!

    • You should have thought about the decision before you got the dog. Labs can be hard to handle. They need a lot of exercise. Take it to obedience classes. Enroll it in agility or flyball. I'm telling you flyball is the cure to all behavior problems. My dog is nuts about flyball and it is the only thing that calms her down. Just try it, you'll love it. At first it is a little slow but stick with it and it will be the best decision you ever made! Don't send your dog to a shelter. If you have to give the dog away find it a home yourself. It is not fair to the dog that it should be in a shelter for your mistake.

    • Boy...you made a lapse in judgment and now you want the problem to just run away. Are you inconvenienced...poor baby. CHEESH! And oh no...the cute little puppy you got to enjoy is now a dog and not so cute anymore??? Well, if it was a kid the authorities would take all of them and your daughter away. People like you sicken me. Grow up, take responsibility for your actions and find somebody to adopt the poor animal. Do the world a favor and NEVER get another dog. There should be a law against predators like you.

    • You should try to find a new, loving home for your dog. If you are not giving her all the care and attention she needs, then the responsible thing to do would be to find a family who will love and appreciate her. Do not take her to a shelter where she will be miserable. She does not deserve that.You should NOT advertise a "free dog" to the public, because people will make the same mistake you did and fail to consider the real costs of properly caring for a dog. You should check first with co-workers and friends who might want to adopt a dog. You might also check with your family vet to see if he or she knows of any families looking for another dog. Ultimately, your goal should be to make sure that your dog is going to a family who will have time to spend with her and can afford to care for her health.