How long will it take for a rabbit to starve and die?

My 8 year old rabbit has been refusing to eat and acting strange lately. We took him to the vet and they said to force feed him baby food. However, I would prefer not to but rather have him eat by himself. If I were not to force feed him, how long would…

    How long will it take for a rabbit to starve and die?

    My 8 year old rabbit has been refusing to eat and acting strange lately. We took him to the vet and they said to force feed him baby food. However, I would prefer not to but rather have him eat by himself. If I were not to force feed him, how long would…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How long will it take for a rabbit to starve and die?...

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    • How long will it take for a rabbit to starve and die?

      How long will it take for a rabbit to starve and die? Other Pet Discussions
      My 8 year old rabbit has been refusing to eat and acting strange lately. We took him to the vet and they said to force feed him baby food. However, I would prefer not to but rather have him eat by himself. If I were not to force feed him, how long would it take for him to die?In regards to - Am I really that cruel -- no, i am a vegan.

      How long will it take for a rabbit to starve and die?

      How long will it take for a rabbit to starve and die? Other Pet Discussions
    • I don't believe it would take too long, but starvation would seem quite slow and it would be a horrible and painful way to die. You need to either make him eat, or get someone else to make him eat. If you can't force feed him the most humane thing would be to put him to's a lot kinder to force him to eat or put him to sleep than to let him starve to deathPlease, whatever you do, don't let him starve.

    • 'Forcing' him to eat usually doesn't involve any force at all. Usually just a needle-less syringe and baby food, not hard at all. Are you trying to kill your rabbit?

    • It won't take very long as the rabbit is not getting all of the nurtrients, fibre and vitamins that it needs to survive. Starvation would be one of the worst ways to die, so please don't let your poor rabbit die!You need to get him to eat. Try getting a syringe (without the needle) and feed him with that. If you don't want to make him eat, the nicest thing you can do for him is to put him to sleep (put him down). It is humane, and that way he isn't suffering anymore.Just remember, every day he isn't eating he is experiencing sharp pains in his stomach and many other things.You may think otherwise, but it IS a lot kinder to the rabbit if you either force feed or put him down... instead of letting him starve to death.

    • i understand ur point but if u are so heartless to starve ur bunny than u might as well put it down or give it away to someone like me... because starving an animal is animal cruelty because it will be in pain and be suffering.... would YOU wanna die like that? for example ur mom gives u food but u refuse to eat and u heard the doctor tell ur mom to force feed u but she decides not to and starves u to death... how would u feel?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~If anyone needs tips, help, or questions about bunnies just add me to contacts or send me an email and ask away!!! i have almost 4 years of bunny cares and had bunch of baby bunnies born in my room...i have also been taught by my vet when i wanted to be a vet (now i wanna be a chef) but she still teaches me so feel free to ask ^^

    • Are you serious? The right thing to do would have the rabbit humanly euthanized by your vet if you are unable to force feed. Do the right thing because starving it to death is a horrible way to go.

    • Your rabbit is at his oldest age (most rabbits never live past 7 let alone 8 years old). If you can't feed him, the most humane thing to do would be to take him him to the vet and get him humanely euthanized. It would take about 4 - 5 of agony for your rabbit to die. Don't let him die like this. You may not think your being cruel but allowing your rabbit to starve to death is cruel and very painful for the rabbit. I'm sorry.