What can I do to develop a relationship with my new horse?

I just got a new horse (my old buddy died earlier this year). He is already 9 years old, and I've made attempts to become his friend. It's not like he's unfriendly towards me, it just seems like we don't have that *connection.* Is it just a matter of…

    What can I do to develop a relationship with my new horse?

    I just got a new horse (my old buddy died earlier this year). He is already 9 years old, and I've made attempts to become his friend. It's not like he's unfriendly towards me, it just seems like we don't have that *connection.* Is it just a matter of…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What can I do to develop a relationship with my new horse?...

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    • What can I do to develop a relationship with my new horse?

      What can I do to develop a relationship with my new horse? Other Pet Discussions
      I just got a new horse (my old buddy died earlier this year). He is already 9 years old, and I've made attempts to become his friend. It's not like he's unfriendly towards me, it just seems like we don't have that *connection.* Is it just a matter of time, or are there things I can do to help us find this connection?

      What can I do to develop a relationship with my new horse?

      What can I do to develop a relationship with my new horse? Other Pet Discussions
    • I just traded my QH gelding for an appaloosa mare and I've been trying to bond with her as well. Ive noticed that doing ground work really helps. And when you ride, do things with him that needs trust and respect. The more he trusts and respects you the better relationship and connection the two of you will have. Try going trail riding, or taking him to water and try getting him to swin. I slept in my first horses stall three nights in a row and woke up with him lying right next to me! Just spend time with him but don't be "suffocating" I'm sure you guys will form a connection in no time!

    • try to ride him often brush him give him treets and swim with him it use to be the same with me and i just rode him and gave me treets and he is like my best friend now. he just needs to know that you trust him and that you love him try to talk and pat him lots and hell love you give him all your love and hell love you more and more

    • Seems like we find that when we lose that special friend we have to get another one. I did that this year too. My 27 year old was the best horse ever. But now I'm starting over too. I have found that this horse didn't need much on a personal level. Lovely to ride and handle but had his own space. I have changed him some. And I have said a few times I love this horse...Here is what I did, maybe it will work for you too. I started grooming him while he was eating in his stall. I would really talk his ear off about all the things Orion and I did. I told him that I didn't expect him to be the things to me that Orion was, but that I expected that we would be great friends too. I also carried out carrots and joined in the herd and fed all the horses some but making sure that he got them whenever he came to me or tried to get to me. I made him special out in the field. I would bring him out to the yard to graze. But mostly I think he got to know my voice and touch and he became more responsive and now he leaves the herd to come to me whenever I go out to the fence.Horses are smart and they give back what they get, good and bad.Good luck Em

    • I'm so sorry.O.k.It takes time and trust.if he dosn't come up to you that often but,alows him to touch you then,you could rub him on his forehead and praise good boy and scratch his fav. spot.After awhile he knows that when someone comes up he gets loved on and not abused or neglected.(from past),So,he'll come up and trust that your not going to hurt him.But,if you wanna show more love or attention buy some cheap horse treats.Anyways thats my tip.Just because you earned the trust dosn't mean you can't lose it.The method has worked for me in less than a week with my 5-7 month fily that i coundn't touch or mess with.Please read sorce