What is more heinous than someone who microwaves a cat to death?

I am just mad and don't mean it, but maybe a person who murders your pet in a microwave should know what it feels like! A neighbor kid killed our cat but there's no proof and not sure if the kid can be arrested. He's 16.

    What is more heinous than someone who microwaves a cat to death?

    I am just mad and don't mean it, but maybe a person who murders your pet in a microwave should know what it feels like! A neighbor kid killed our cat but there's no proof and not sure if the kid can be arrested. He's 16....
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    • If you have some good reasons to believe that this kid did this then call a newpaper or TV reporter...I would let everyone know what this kid did...he needs to be exposed so that he will be watched and next time be caught for he will continue as long as there are no consequences.The police will not help unless they or others seen it take place. But I sure would talk to all your neighbors especially those with pets to beware of this kid.Keep notes of times, places, actions anything pertaining to his abusive actions and just keep reporting it. It will catch up to him sooner or later and with your help it will be sooner.