What is more heinous than someone who microwaves a cat to death?

I am just mad and don't mean it, but maybe a person who murders your pet in a microwave should know what it feels like! A neighbor kid killed our cat but there's no proof and not sure if the kid can be arrested. He's 16.

    What is more heinous than someone who microwaves a cat to death?

    I am just mad and don't mean it, but maybe a person who murders your pet in a microwave should know what it feels like! A neighbor kid killed our cat but there's no proof and not sure if the kid can be arrested. He's 16....
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    • What is more heinous than someone who microwaves a cat to death?

      What is more heinous than someone who microwaves a cat to death? Other Pet Discussions
      I am just mad and don't mean it, but maybe a person who murders your pet in a microwave should know what it feels like! A neighbor kid killed our cat but there's no proof and not sure if the kid can be arrested. He's 16.

      What is more heinous than someone who microwaves a cat to death?

      What is more heinous than someone who microwaves a cat to death? Other Pet Discussions
    • he can get arrested for animal cruelty but you need to get some proof you know they say the first step in people becoming serial killers is first harming animals if you can get him now on killing your cat maybe you can stop a future event from happening

    • i think raping a woman is the most heinous crime in this world.as of ur neighbour,u need to talk about this to his parents.ask them to take some action.but if they dont do something i guess u cant do anything unless u proove that he only murdered ur cat.

    • What a sick freak. That's gross. If I were you, I'd get a video tape of him doing something sick and send him straight to juvie. If he does that kind of thing once... chances are, it is his form of amusement and he will do it again.

    • ASDFKJ! I hate crap like this. My current cat, Laura Grace, I stole her from my sisters neighbors when she was 5 weeks old. They were buring their cats alive!!! When I saw they had this one kitten left that had been hiding under the house, I stole her. Now she is 2 and the most spoiled rotten calico cat you could ever meet. LOL.You should contact the police and see what they say...

    • I am sorry about your cat...I was going to say something mean just now and changed my mind...I have 5 cats and if someone hurt my babies I would be mad as hell. Keep everything living that is yours away from him. Set up video cameras and watch closely. He did it once he will do it again. You just need proof. Maybe he wont be prosecuted for your cat but there are other cats he would try to hurt.

    • I do not blame you for being furious. I would be so furious I would go postal on this 16 year old mentally ill kid, and end up in trouble myself. This kid is a sick bast*rd, and needs to have something just as gruesome if not worse done to them. He needs to be put in a mental institution. The bad thing about people like him is if they will do things like this to innocent animals, he won't have any problem in hurting an innocent human being, that has been a proven fact.I am so sorry about your cat, but I would try til the day i died, to get proof of this awful disgusting immoral killing of your cat.You are furious about what the basta*rd did to your cat, and there is a sick freak on this site asking people how to kill his pet cat? I do not understand what os wrong with people these days, they have no sense of feeling for anything.

    • I agree with ~*Come On Eileen~* Go over there on night and pound the living hell out of the kid. Threaten him with his life. See how tough he is when who have your hand around his neck. Where a mask so he can not see your face. Take a bat to make it really good. (god I am going to Hell)As to what is more heinous. Many things. Children being murdered and rapped. Anyone who is unable to defend themselves to a violent act is heinous. Women, men, children, cats, dogs, ducks, cows, chickens, frogs, whatever.

    • I would say that hurting or abusing a child is about the only thing worse than being cruel to animals. Both are very disturbing and sickening. My heart goes out to you for the loss of your pet.I wouldn't even bother calling the law, they are about as worthless as tits on a boar hog. I'd have someone stomp a mudhole in this boy's azz and then walk the mutha fukka dry, even if I had to pay someone to do it so I wouldn't get in trouble. This kid is obviously sick in the head.

    • I ve had quite a siilar experience. A neighbour of ours poisoned my cat by feeding her with poisoned food. I just learned my cat was dead afte one week of searching, when my parents told me , that an old lady who still lives in the neighbourhood found Mickey dead.

    • Well, there are several studies (One from SSPCA in Scotland and one from the ASPCA in the US amongst others) that highlights the link between children and youngsters that are cruel to animals and the commiting of serious crime later in live (we're talking murder, assault and torture here). Still little arseholes who do these things are allowed to go on doing it whilst the rest of society conveniently looks away.I go with a couple of the others; beat the little turd to a pulp.

    • although you have no proof, report it to have suspicions on record. watch your pets. this kid will strike again. where I live they prosecute. some kids here did get some time in juvy, when they got out it was only a matter of time, yep, in trouble again. so, report, start the little bastard's record for him!