How do you get cats to stop pooping on the floor?

Recently my cats have begun pooping on my carpeted basement floor. They are 7 years old and I have never had a problem with them not using thier litter box until I moved. Are they smelling animals that may have lived in the house previously?

    How do you get cats to stop pooping on the floor?

    Recently my cats have begun pooping on my carpeted basement floor. They are 7 years old and I have never had a problem with them not using thier litter box until I moved. Are they smelling animals that may have lived in the house previously?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you get cats to stop pooping on the floor?...

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    • How do you get cats to stop pooping on the floor?

      How do you get cats to stop pooping on the floor? Other Pet Discussions
      Recently my cats have begun pooping on my carpeted basement floor. They are 7 years old and I have never had a problem with them not using thier litter box until I moved. Are they smelling animals that may have lived in the house previously?

      How do you get cats to stop pooping on the floor?

      How do you get cats to stop pooping on the floor? Other Pet Discussions
    • Put them out........Whe u see the poooping quickly punish them like im not sure if u are comfortable hitting them lightly but u can shoot them with a water pistle or scare them or scold them and pout them out always itll be a bad experience.Animals rely on experiences so make it a bad one so he wont do it again....Hope it helped

    • It could be bahavoiral because of the move... you may try moving the litter box to a different location and you may even have to change the type of box you are using... and yes it is possible for the cat to "smell" a previous cat that was in the house... but cats usually urinate to mark territory.

    • They may be a bit confused with the move, and all. I would put the litter box near to where they are going on the floor. When they become regular box users again, you may be able to move the box, a bit at a time, to a new location.If that doesn't work, you can always shoot them.

    • How many cats do you have?They may be expressing their upset feelings about your recent move. They may want to go back to the old place and this is their way of getting your attention.Or, they could be marking their new territory.Just to be sure nothing else is wrong I suggest that you take them to get checked by your vet.Do you keep the litter box clean everyday?

    • Cats don't like the smell of vinegar, apple cider vinegar has a strong smell and it won't hurt your carpet or cats. Spray it in the area their going to & show them their box several times. I hope this helps.

    • Your cat is smelling other animals on the rug. The best thing you could is : 1. clean the rugs few times over where the cat is pooping. Use a good carpet steamer.2. If your basement floor is in good shape then just leave the floor bare for now & paint it with floor & porch paint ( that will get of the smell) 3. replace the rug if it is old. But from experince I would just get rid of the rug & paint the floor

    • What is with everyone saying to shoot your pet? Jerks. I have a 5 yr old cat, whom I love, that will only poop right outside of his litter box. I don't know why, he'll pee ONLY in the box (never anywhere else), but will always poop right outside of it. I've tried everything under the sun to get him to go in the box. Scolding him only made him change where he pooped, but still not in the box. So I've learned to keep the litter box on lino as it is much easier to clean than carpet! I love him, and clearly there is no changing him, so I just accommodate with the lino. Good luck! If you find anything that works, please let me know!

    • You can buy repellants at any pet store (i.e. Petsmart, Petco) so they won't continue to go in the same spot. Also try putting aluminum foil in the new place they are pooping so they won't go there anymore. Maybe your litter boxes are not clean or too full. Sometimes cats get picky, have your carpets professionally cleaned.

    • depending on what litter you have and they don't like scented cat litter and or maybe is upsetting it like a baby or something very new also could be food

    • I usually keep animals from pooping on the floor by not letting them into the house. They can poop wherever they want to outside. It seems like a workable arrangement, but they have done a number on my shoes a couple of times. Maybe your cats are harboring some ill will toward a recent change in your behavior, and have taken up this floor pooping campaign to try to display their dissatisfaction with the situation. Or, perhaps they don't like the new litter. Cheers!

    • You know you can buy a litter box for cats and buy that thing for cats that go with the litter box so it doesn't smell, or you could get rid of the cat and give it to somebody eles. That way you have no cat and no cat means no poop.

    • My gram is a cat lover she has 14 cats.She got them to stop pooping by showing them the litter box then she kept her eye on them and if they were about to go she put then in the litter box.