How do you get cats to stop pooping on the floor?

Recently my cats have begun pooping on my carpeted basement floor. They are 7 years old and I have never had a problem with them not using thier litter box until I moved. Are they smelling animals that may have lived in the house previously?

    How do you get cats to stop pooping on the floor?

    Recently my cats have begun pooping on my carpeted basement floor. They are 7 years old and I have never had a problem with them not using thier litter box until I moved. Are they smelling animals that may have lived in the house previously?...
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    • Provide a litter box with clean unscented litter. If the cat still won't use the litter box, take it to a vet for a physical.

    • As cats get older, they get more finicky and obstinant. They may be smelling something in the new house that is p*ssing them off, so they are poopin' on the floor. You may also want to get their yearly check up done now, just to be sure there isn't a medical reason. My 7 year old cat wouldn't stop peeing in the house last year, and it turned out that she had a bladder infection. I don't know what medical issue would cause the poopin', but it doesn't hurt to get it checked out. As far as trying a different litter, there may be something with the current stuff that is annoying them. Try Arm & Hammer clumping litter, NOT Tidy Cats. Tidy Cats doesn't work for a ding-dong compared to A & H. They may also be smelling something ON the litter pans that is bothering them, too. Never hurts to hose em down, let em dry outside and then spray it with some Urine Gone.Good luck to you.

    • Clean the area where they are pooing with "Simple Solution" or "Nature's Miracle" enzymatic urine/vomit/feces remover, and place their food bowls on the area (they will not poop on their food).

    • The cats are probably having problems adapting to their new environment. Most cats extremely dislike change of any kind, anda cat pooping on the floor is a good sign they are unhappy. But as well, they may be smelling an animal or two that previously called that house home, although the scent will fade soon. Give it time. Cats will eventually become used to their new living quarters,it just may take awhile.