What should I do to care for a baby bunny?

We found a nest of baby bunnies last week and we've been watching them. We found two who had apparantly been mauled by a cat, and only one left alive. Its eyes are open. Is there any think I can do to try to keep it alive besides taking it to a vet?We…

    What should I do to care for a baby bunny?

    We found a nest of baby bunnies last week and we've been watching them. We found two who had apparantly been mauled by a cat, and only one left alive. Its eyes are open. Is there any think I can do to try to keep it alive besides taking it to a vet?We…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What should I do to care for a baby bunny?...

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    • What should I do to care for a baby bunny?

      What should I do to care for a baby bunny? Other Pet Discussions
      We found a nest of baby bunnies last week and we've been watching them. We found two who had apparantly been mauled by a cat, and only one left alive. Its eyes are open. Is there any think I can do to try to keep it alive besides taking it to a vet?We found a nest of baby bunnies last week and we've been watching them. We found two who had apparantly been killed by a cat, and only one left alive. Its eyes are open. Is there any think I can do to try to keep it alive besides taking it to a vet?

      What should I do to care for a baby bunny?

      What should I do to care for a baby bunny? Other Pet Discussions
    • You should take it to the vet only if you are certain the mom isn't coming back. You're best bet is to bring it to a wildlife rehab specialist. You can find articles about the care of baby bunnies from http://www.rabbit.org

    • Lol. Awww....well after you take it to the vet (because obviously you can't help the mauled one by yourself), you can feed them. Make sure you know how many times a day to feed them. Since they are stray I don't know if you should keep it for a pet - you'd have to ask the vet about that.

    • The House Rabbit Society says this:What If the Baby Bunny Is Injured?"Either call or take him to your local humane society or animal shelter/animal control. Call first as often they will come pick up the baby. If they don't have a wildlife center, they will refer you. If after hours, contact a local emergency rabbit vet or Rabbit Veterinarian. The best thing you can do for an injured wild baby bunny is to get in touch with a skilled rehabilitator. Great info on local rehabilitators can be found at The Wildlife Rehabilitation Information Directory "There is more info on their site located here: http://www.rabbit.org/faq/sections/orphan.htmlThe site has feeding info if the rabbits have been orphaned. I would recommend calling your local vet or emergency animal facility (ie Animal Welfare League). Hope this helps!

    • The fact they are wild bunnies, the best bet is to locate and notify the local wildlife rehabilitation center. They know how to handle young wildlife, and get them up and back in the wild, where they belong.

    • try a vet then, see it it's got rabies, then check a website on rabbits find out how to care for them best, or try the nearest Petco, they'll tell you everything and you can purchase a book on bunnies.

    • what you should do is take it to someone who will know how to care for a baby bunny so they can tell you what to do for the bunny. i know you need to get some animal formula for it to drink and make sure it can go to the bathroom properly.