How old should you wait to handle baby rabbits?

My Doe just gave birth to im not sure but 3 babies. Iv'e heard if you handle them the mother will eat them, I don't know so I was just wondering at what age should you start handling the baby rabbits?They are three days old today and jumping and moving…

    How old should you wait to handle baby rabbits?

    My Doe just gave birth to im not sure but 3 babies. Iv'e heard if you handle them the mother will eat them, I don't know so I was just wondering at what age should you start handling the baby rabbits?They are three days old today and jumping and moving…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How old should you wait to handle baby rabbits?...

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    • How old should you wait to handle baby rabbits?

      How old should you wait to handle baby rabbits? Other Pet Discussions
      My Doe just gave birth to im not sure but 3 babies. Iv'e heard if you handle them the mother will eat them, I don't know so I was just wondering at what age should you start handling the baby rabbits?They are three days old today and jumping and moving around like madmen

      How old should you wait to handle baby rabbits?

      How old should you wait to handle baby rabbits? Other Pet Discussions
    • It is possible the mom will eat them, but if she has your scent and knows it well, you should be fine.I suggest handeling once their 5-7 days old. and only for 3-5 minutes at a time.

    • The mother won't eat them.However, you will make her nervous.Start handling them when they are old enough to move on their own ( before their eyes open), that way the babies will be used to human touch and smell before they can see you and be afraid of your size. This is what my friend did with my bunny. She is now the friendliest thing ever!

    • She might eat them. Just be sure she knows you and your scent. then I think you'll be okay. Maybe wrap a small towel around them and then you can hold them. Only hold them a few minutes a day though. The reason for wrapping the towel around them is so that they don't squirm, and if they try to kick, they could brake their spine. Oh yeah, I think you can start holding them when their maybe a week old. I hope I helped!

    • "Iv'e heard if you handle them the mother will eat them"This is a complete myth and rabbits VERY rarely cannibalize their litters. If you feed her and play with her daily, she knows your scent. As a first time mom, your doe may be a little nervous about you touching the babies, but in my opinion, it is best that you get her used to it and the kits socialized as soon as possible.I handle the kits from birth for 3-5 minutes daily. This way, mom gets used to her kits being shuffled around, and it also builds a trust between you and your doe when she learns that you will always bring the babies back. It is also a great start to socializing the babies, as they'll get used to your scent.By the time they're about 10-12 days old, their eyes will start opening and they'll have a pretty nice coat of fur coming in. At this point, I'll take them out for longer periods of time to play and run around with supervision.Handling is important in the growth and development of your babies. And your doe will not eat them just because you touch them.

    • You need to let the mother trust you. You definitely need to go through the babies and make sure they are okay. Try distracting the mother with a treat or petting her while you go through the babies. Touch each one to make sure they are still warm and breathing. Dispose of any dead ones. Then put them back and cover them up with the mother's fur. They need to be handled a little right after birth. But I would wait about 2 weeks before I really handle and cuddle with them, and in gradual amounts. At 2 months they should be separated from their mother and be able to go on their own.

    • I own a lot of rabbits it is possible in some breeds for the mom to eat them you should look in the nesting box take out any that are dead and wait until they get out of the nesting box themselves to hold them and thats any wheare from 1-2 weeks or u might make the mom nervouse

    • hello thererabbits should be ready to be handled the time that they have weaned(when they have developed their full fur).although mother rabbits usually doesn't develop cannibalism,you should still wait.of course,the longevity of weaning depends on the breed.some may wean faster while some may wean slower than depends per careful when handling.wash your hands first before handling to avoid infections of any wishes and have a nice day!

    • I think it would be fine if you hold them at any age. Just in case I would grab some of the materials in the nest box and rub it in your hands. I would do it for about a minute. When you are done then you can hold the babies. But make sure you wash your hands before and after you handle the baby bunnies!