How do I convince my parents to buy me an Arabian Pony?

Now that I have your attention, I need some help haha (I have owned plenty of horses before, none currently though).I am going to start a website for naive people interested in their first horse. I'm going to have the basics of the time and money it…

    How do I convince my parents to buy me an Arabian Pony?

    Now that I have your attention, I need some help haha (I have owned plenty of horses before, none currently though).I am going to start a website for naive people interested in their first horse. I'm going to have the basics of the time and money it…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I convince my parents to buy me an Arabian Pony?...

    • How do I convince my parents to buy me an Arabian Pony?

      How do I convince my parents to buy me an Arabian Pony? Other Pet Discussions
      Now that I have your attention, I need some help haha (I have owned plenty of horses before, none currently though).I am going to start a website for naive people interested in their first horse. I'm going to have the basics of the time and money it takes, common diseases, basic handling, what to look for in a horse based on experience level, etc. What pages or specific tips should I include? The main target of this website will be for the people who ask questions like the one I asked haha. But I'm going to make it so its not specifically for kids, but any age will find it useful. Thanks.

      How do I convince my parents to buy me an Arabian Pony?

      How do I convince my parents to buy me an Arabian Pony? Other Pet Discussions
    • I think the best pieces of advice for them would be the following:--Take lessons first.--Find a good trainer.--Find a good farrier.--Find a good vet.Don't be afraid to call any of the aforementioned people for advice. Don't fall to the internet for shoddy advice.There you go--your entire website has been written.

    • Things you wouldn't expect if you were planning on getting a horse for example: when I first got my horse I didn't expect to have to clean up so much poop ( out door horses ) or have to feed them so often in th in the winter I di to have t bring so much wa bring so much water out for them riding a horse when you have to bring the saddle from inside to your horse, where the horses alrea where the horses already saddledKeeping grass in the pastor is not easy either the horses eat it and trampled to death these are just some things I have noticed from home from getting my horse but there probably for pages: grooming fence up keepFoodRidingEctWow this got longer than I thought! These are just my suggestions drone being a new horse owner my selfHood luck-Qwerty

    • I used to give anyone who asked me the cost of a horse an entire litany that everyone here knows.Got tired of that.Now when they ask, "So how much does it cost to buy a horse?" I say, "Well, how much does it cost to get married?" Most folks catch on right away. The idea is (of course) that the purchase (or the wedding itself) is just the entrance fee. All the expenses and heart-wrenching afterthoughts happen later.